Subpart 58-2. Blood Banks and Laboratories Performing Immunohematology Testing  

10 CRR-NY II D 58-2 Notes
Sec. 58-2.1. Definitions
Sec. 58-2.2. Qualifications of donors
Sec. 58-2.3. Required laboratory tests for donated blood
Sec. 58-2.4. Collection of blood
Sec. 58-2.5. Sterilization of instruments
Sec. 58-2.6. Collection and handling of blood for subsequent allogeneic or autogeneic transfusion
Sec. 58-2.7. Immunohematology testing
Sec. 58-2.8. Standard operating procedures
Sec. 58-2.9. Issuance of blood, blood components and derivatives
Sec. 58-2.10. Required records and confidentiality
Sec. 58-2.11. Records to be kept when blood is collected for autogeneic or allogeneic transfusion
Sec. 58-2.12. Records to be kept when blood, blood components or derivatives are issued for allogeneic or autogeneic transfusion
Sec. 58-2.13. Distribution facilities
Sec. 58-2.14. Collection of source plasma
Sec. 58-2.15. Collection of blood components by apheresis
Sec. 58-2.16. Required standards for transfusions
Sec. 58-2.17. Laboratory tests to be performed prior to allogeneic or autogeneic transfusion
Sec. 58-2.18. Records to be kept when blood or blood component transfusions are performed
Sec. 58-2.19. Records to be kept when derivatives are infused
Sec. 58-2.20. Ambulance transfusion services
Sec. 58-2.21. Limited transfusion services
Sec. 58-2.22. [Repealed]
Sec. 58-2.23. HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody testing results
Sec. 58-2.24. Disposal of untransfused blood units
Sec. 58-2.25. Intraoperative and postoperative blood recovery and normovolemic hemodilution
Sec. 58-2.26. Exceptions
Sec. 58-2.27. Reinfusion procedures
Sec. 58-2.28. Incorporation by reference