Sec. 59.11. Testing of ignition interlock devices  

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  • (a) The department may require a testing laboratory, as defined in section 59.1 of this Part, to submit its credentials for department review prior to accepting any report submitted by the testing laboratory in support of an ignition interlock device manufacturer's application for certification.
    (b) The testing laboratory shall provide, directly to the department, a detailed report of test data and findings of the ignition interlock device's performance on each standard, generated by the testing laboratory, documenting that at least two representative instruments of an ignition interlock device model have successfully met the requirements of section 59.10(c) of this Part.
    (c) The testing laboratory's report shall minimally include: a description of tests performed; data and findings for each test conducted, with numerical readouts as appropriate; a description of the effectiveness of the ignition interlock device's security provisions, if any, for detection and recording of attempted tampering and preventing circumvention; the reliability of the device's data recording features; and a description of the effectiveness of the device over a range of environmental conditions. The report shall include a dated and signed attestation by the person supervising such testing that identifies the ignition interlock device model and manufacturer, and states that all tests on the named device model were conducted in accordance with NHTSA specifications.