Subpart 86-1. Medical Facilities  

10 CRR-NY II L 86-1 Notes
Sec. 86-1.1. Definition
Sec. 86-1.2. Financial and statistical data required
Sec. 86-1.3. Uniform system of accounting and reporting
Sec. 86-1.4. Audits
Sec. 86-1.5. Effective period of reimbursement rates
Sec. 86-1.6. Allowable costs
Sec. 86-1.7. Recoveries of expense
Sec. 86-1.8. Research and educational activities
Sec. 86-1.9. Compensation of operators and relatives of operators
Sec. 86-1.10. Related organizations
Sec. 86-1.11. Termination of service
Sec. 86-1.12. Federal financial participation
Sec. 86-1.13. Certified home health agency rates
Sec. 86-1.14. Allowance for certified home health agencies providing a disproportionate share of bad debt and charity care
Sec. 86-1.15. Definitions
Sec. 86-1.16. Statewide base price
Sec. 86-1.17. Exclusion of outlier and transfer costs
Sec. 86-1.18. Service intensity weights (SIW) and average length-of-stay (LOS)
Sec. 86-1.19. Wage equalization factor (WEF)
Sec. 86-1.20. Add-ons to the case payment rate per discharge
Sec. 86-1.21. Outlier and transfer cases rates of payment
Sec. 86-1.22. Alternate level of care payments
Sec. 86-1.23. Exempt units and hospitals
Sec. 86-1.24. Trend factor
Sec. 86-1.25. Capital expense reimbursement
Sec. 86-1.26. Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS)
Sec. 86-1.27. Federal upper limit compliance
Sec. 86-1.28. Adding or deleting hospital services or units
Sec. 86-1.29. New hospitals and hospitals on budgeted rates
Sec. 86-1.30. Swing bed reimbursement
Sec. 86-1.31. Mergers, acquisitions and consolidations
Sec. 86-1.32. Administrative rate appeals
Sec. 86-1.33. Out-of-state providers
Sec. 86-1.34. Supplemental indigent care distributions
Sec. 86-1.35. Disproportionate share limitations
Sec. 86-1.36. Hospital physician billing
Sec. 86-1.37. Readmissions
Sec. 86-1.38. Transition pool for 2010-2013 period
Sec. 86-1.39. Inpatient psychiatric services
Sec. 86-1.40. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.41. Hospital quality contribution
Sec. 86-1.42. Potentially preventable negative outcomes
Sec. 86-1.43. Certified home health care agency ceilings
Sec. 86-1.44. Episodic payments for certified home health agency services
Sec. 86-1.45. Reimbursement for language assistance services in hospital inpatient settings
Sec. 86-1.46. Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP)
Sec. 86-1.47. Hospital indigent care pool payments
Sec. 86-1.50. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.51. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.52. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.53. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.54. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.55. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.56. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.57. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.58. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.59. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.60. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.61. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.62. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.63. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.64. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.65. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.66. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.67. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.68. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.70. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.71. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.72. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.73. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.74. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.75. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.80. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.81. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.82. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.83. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.84. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.85. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.86. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.87. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.88. [Repealed]
Sec. 86-1.89. [Repealed]