Sec. 86-2.2. Financial and statistical data required  

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  • (a) Each residential health care facility shall complete and file, with the New York State Department of Health and/or its agent, annual financial and statistical report forms supplied by the department and/or its agent. Residential health care facilities certified for title XVIII of the Federal Social Security Act (Medicare) shall use the same fiscal year for title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act (Medicaid) as is used for title XVIII. All residential health care facilities must report their operations from January 1, 1977 forward on a calendar-year basis.
    (1) Hospital-based residential health care facilities whose affiliation changes to free- standing pursuant to section 86-2.34(a) of this Subpart shall complete and file the free-standing annual cost report (RHCF-4) supplies by the department and/or its agent for the first full calendar year following actual complete closure of the acute care beds of its affiliated hospital.
    (b) Federal regulations require the submission of cost reports to the State agency no later than three months after the close of the cost reporting year. State agencies requiring certified reports may grant an extension of 30 days. Since the reports from all residential health care facilities are required to be certified, an extension of 30 days is automatically provided in this subdivision so that all required financial and statistical reports shall be submitted to the department no later than 120 days following the close of the fiscal period. Further extensions of time for filing reports may be granted upon application received prior to the due date of the report and only in those circumstances where the residential health care facility established, by documentary evidence, that the report cannot be filed by the due date for reasons beyond the control of the facility.
    (c) In the event a residential health care facility fails to file the required financial and statistical reports on or before the due dates, or as the same may be extended pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section, the State Commissioner of Health shall reduce the current rate paid by State governmental agencies by two percent for a period beginning on the first day of the calendar month following the original due date of the required reports and continuing until the last day of the calendar month in which the required reports are filed.
    (d) In the event that any information or data which a residential health care facility has submitted to the State Department of Health, on required reports, budgets or appeals for rate revisions intended for use in establishing rates, is inaccurate or incorrect, whether by reason of subsequent events or otherwise, such facility shall forthwith submit to the department a correction of such information or data which meets the same certification requirements as the document being corrected.
    (e) Except as identified in sections 86-2.10(k)(6) and 86-2.15(e) of this Part, a cost report shall be filed in accordance with this section by each new facility for the first 12-month period during which the facility has had an overall average utilization of at least 90 percent of bed capacity. This report shall be filed and properly certified within 60 days following the end of the 12-month period covered by the report. Failure to comply with this subdivision shall result in application of subdivision (c) of this section.
    (f) If the financial and statistical reports required by this Subpart are determined by the department to be incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect, the residential health care facility will have 30 days from date of receipt of notification to provide the corrected or additional data. Failure to file the corrected or additional data within 30 days, or within such period as extended by the commissioner, will result in application of subdivision (c) of this section. Lack of the respective certifications by both the operator and accountant, as required pursuant to sections 86-2.5 and 86-2.6 of this Subpart, shall render a financial and statistical report incomplete.
    (g) Specific additional data related to the rate setting process may be requested by the State Commissioner of Health. These data, which include and are limited to those for use in a wage geographic differential survey, a peer grouping data survey, a medical supplies survey and a malpractice insurance survey, must be provided by the residential health care facility within 30 days from the date of receipt of notification to supply such information. The commissioner must supply to each facility prior to the start of each rate period, a preliminary listing of the data that will be required. Failure to submit the additional data shall result in application of subdivision (c) of this section, unless the residential health care facility can prove by documentary evidence that the data being requested is not available.