Part 441. Definitions  

10 CRR-NY V A 8 441 Notes
Sec. 441.1. General
Sec. 441.2. Abandonment
Sec. 441.3. Accelerated payments
Sec. 441.4. Account
Sec. 441.5. Accountability
Sec. 441.6. Accounting control
Sec. 441.7. Accounting policy
Sec. 441.8. Accrual
Sec. 441.9. Accrual reporting
Sec. 441.10. Accrue
Sec. 441.11. Accrued depreciation
Sec. 441.12. Accrued expense
Sec. 441.13. Accrued liability
Sec. 441.14. Accrued revenue
Sec. 441.15. Accumulated depreciation
Sec. 441.16. Active medical staff
Sec. 441.17. Actuarial basis
Sec. 441.18. Acute care
Sec. 441.19. Addition
Sec. 441.20. Additional (paid-in) capital
Sec. 441.21. Admission
Sec. 441.22. Adult beds
Sec. 441.23. Advance
Sec. 441.24. Affiliate
Sec. 441.25. Age
Sec. 441.26. AICPA
Sec. 441.27. Alcohol and drug unit
Sec. 441.28. Ambulance calls
Sec. 441.29. Ambulatory care
Sec. 441.30. Ambulatory services
Sec. 441.31. Amortization
Sec. 441.32. Ancillary services
Sec. 441.33. Asset
Sec. 441.34. Audit
Sec. 441.35. Available beds
Sec. 441.36. Average daily inpatient census
Sec. 441.37. Average length of stay
Sec. 441.38. Average life
Sec. 441.39. Bad debt
Sec. 441.40. Balance
Sec. 441.41. Balance sheet
Sec. 441.42. Bassinets
Sec. 441.43. Bed complement (beds available)
Sec. 441.44. Betterment
Sec. 441.45. Blood bank transfusions
Sec. 441.46. Board-designated assets
Sec. 441.47. Boarder baby
Sec. 441.48. Bond
Sec. 441.49. Bond discount
Sec. 441.50. Bond premium
Sec. 441.51. Book inventory
Sec. 441.52. Book of original entry
Sec. 441.53. Book value
Sec. 441.54. Burn center
Sec. 441.55. Capital asset
Sec. 441.56. Capital expenditure
Sec. 441.57. Capital lease
Sec. 441.58. Capitalize
Sec. 441.59. Certificate of deposit
Sec. 441.60. Certified bed capacity
Sec. 441.61. Certified bed days available
Sec. 441.62. Chain organization
Sec. 441.63. Chart of accounts
Sec. 441.64. Clearing account
Sec. 441.65. Clinic outpatient
Sec. 441.66. Comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation service
Sec. 441.67. Consistency
Sec. 441.68. Contract service
Sec. 441.69. Contractual adjustment
Sec. 441.70. Contributed capital
Sec. 441.71. Contributed services
Sec. 441.72. Control
Sec. 441.73. Cost
Sec. 441.74. Cost center
Sec. 441.75. Critical care units
Sec. 441.76. Critical care units (type I)
Sec. 441.77. Critical care units (type II)
Sec. 441.78. Current assets
Sec. 441.79. Current liability
Sec. 441.80. Daily hospital services
Sec. 441.81. Daily inpatient census
Sec. 441.82. Date of acquisition
Sec. 441.83. Date of change in certified bed capacity—decrease
Sec. 441.84. Date of change in certified bed capacity—increase
Sec. 441.85. Deductible
Sec. 441.86. Deductions from revenue
Sec. 441.87. Deferral (or deferment)
Sec. 441.88. Deferred charge
Sec. 441.89. Deferred credit
Sec. 441.90. Depreciable cost
Sec. 441.91. Depreciation
Sec. 441.92. Depreciation fund
Sec. 441.93. Direct expense
Sec. 441.94. Direct assignment of cost
Sec. 441.95. Discharge
Sec. 441.96. Discount earned
Sec. 441.97. Discrete unit
Sec. 441.98. Distribution
Sec. 441.99. Donated commodities
Sec. 441.100. Donated services
Sec. 441.101. Due from other funds
Sec. 441.102. Due to other funds
Sec. 441.103. Earned
Sec. 441.104. Emergency outpatient
Sec. 441.105. Emergency service category 4—basic emergency services
Sec. 441.106. Emergency services category 3—general emergency services
Sec. 441.107. Emergency services category 2—major emergency hospital
Sec. 441.108. Emergency services category 1—comprehensive emergency medical services
Sec. 441.109. Empirical
Sec. 441.110. Employee
Sec. 441.111. Employee benefit
Sec. 441.112. Encounter
Sec. 441.113. Endowment funds
Sec. 441.114. Equity
Sec. 441.115. Equity ownership
Sec. 441.116. Error
Sec. 441.117. Estimated useful life
Sec. 441.118. Expenditure
Sec. 441.119. Expense
Sec. 441.120. Expense center
Sec. 441.121. Expired cost
Sec. 441.122. Extraordinary expense
Sec. 441.123. Facility
Sec. 441.124. Fair market value
Sec. 441.125. FASB
Sec. 441.126. Fellow
Sec. 441.127. Fidelity bond
Sec. 441.128. Fiduciary
Sec. 441.129. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Sec. 441.130. Financial statements
Sec. 441.131. Financially indigent patient
Sec. 441.132. Fixed assets
Sec. 441.133. Fixed capital
Sec. 441.134. Fixed cost (or expense)
Sec. 441.135. Fringe benefit
Sec. 441.136. Full-time equivalent employees (FTE)
Sec. 441.137. Function
Sec. 441.138. Functional reporting
Sec. 441.139. Fund
Sec. 441.140. Fund accounting
Sec. 441.141. Fund asset
Sec. 441.142. Fund balance
Sec. 441.143. Fund balance sheet
Sec. 441.144. Fund liability
Sec. 441.145. Funded debt
Sec. 441.146. Funded depreciation
Sec. 441.147. Funded reserve
Sec. 441.148. Funds held in trust by others
Sec. 441.149. GAAP
Sec. 441.150. Gain or loss
Sec. 441.151. General fund
Sec. 441.152. General journal
Sec. 441.153. General ledger
Sec. 441.154. Generally accepted
Sec. 441.155. Gift
Sec. 441.156. Goodwill
Sec. 441.157. Governing board
Sec. 441.158. Gross
Sec. 441.159. Gross charges (gross revenue)
Sec. 441.160. Gross square feet
Sec. 441.161. Health facility
Sec. 441.162. Health-related beds
Sec. 441.163. Health-related care
Sec. 441.164. Historical cost
Sec. 441.165. Holding account
Sec. 441.166. Home office
Sec. 441.167. Hospital
Sec. 441.168. Hospital-based physician
Sec. 441.169. Hospital boarder
Sec. 441.170. Hospital patient
Sec. 441.171. Imprest fund
Sec. 441.172. Improvement
Sec. 441.173. Income realization
Sec. 441.174. Income statement
Sec. 441.175. Indirect liability
Sec. 441.176. Inpatient
Sec. 441.177. Inpatient admission
Sec. 441.178. Intangible asset
Sec. 441.179. Intensive care
Sec. 441.180. Interfund transfer
Sec. 441.181. Intern
Sec. 441.182. Internal control
Sec. 441.183. Inventory control
Sec. 441.184. Inventory valuation
Sec. 441.185. Invested capital
Sec. 441.186. Investor-owned (proprietary) hospital
Sec. 441.187. Invoice
Sec. 441.188. Invoice cost
Sec. 441.189. Irrevocable trust
Sec. 441.190. Lease
Sec. 441.191. Leasehold
Sec. 441.192. Liability
Sec. 441.193. License
Sec. 441.194. Listing of accounts
Sec. 441.195. Live births
Sec. 441.196. Living trust funds
Sec. 441.197. Maintenance
Sec. 441.198. Materiality
Sec. 441.199. Medicaid (Title XIX)
Sec. 441.200. Medical record
Sec. 441.201. Medical services
Sec. 441.202. Medical staff classification—associate
Sec. 441.203. Medical staff classification—attending
Sec. 441.204. Medical staff classification—consulting
Sec. 441.205. Medical staff classification—courtesy
Sec. 441.206. Medical staff classification—house staff (paid staff)
Sec. 441.207. Medicare
Sec. 441.208. Mentally disordered patient
Sec. 441.209. Modernization
Sec. 441.210. Neonatal intensive care unit
Sec. 441.211. Net
Sec. 441.212. Net square feet
Sec. 441.213. Net worth
Sec. 441.214. Newborn
Sec. 441.215. Nine-C (IX-C) corporation
Sec. 441.216. Nonoperating expense
Sec. 441.217. Nonoperating revenue
Sec. 441.218. Nonprofit corporation
Sec. 441.219. Non-revenue-producing cost centers
Sec. 441.220. Nonroutine maintenance and repairs
Sec. 441.221. Not-for-profit
Sec. 441.222. Nursing services
Sec. 441.223. Obsolescence
Sec. 441.224. Occasion of service
Sec. 441.225. On-call pay (standby)
Sec. 441.226. Operating expenses
Sec. 441.227. Operating fund
Sec. 441.228. Operating income (or profit)
Sec. 441.229. Operating lease
Sec. 441.230. Operating revenue
Sec. 441.231. Organization cost (or expense)
Sec. 441.232. Original cost
Sec. 441.233. Other operating revenue
Sec. 441.234. Outpatient
Sec. 441.235. Outstanding
Sec. 441.236. Overhead
Sec. 441.237. Owner's equity
Sec. 441.238. Ownership
Sec. 441.239. Oxygen therapy minutes
Sec. 441.240. Paid-in capital
Sec. 441.241. Paid staff
Sec. 441.242. Parent company
Sec. 441.243. Part A and Part B services
Sec. 441.244. Patient care services revenue
Sec. 441.245. Patient day
Sec. 441.246. Payor
Sec. 441.247. Payroll
Sec. 441.248. Payroll distribution
Sec. 441.249. Payroll records
Sec. 441.250. Pediatric patient
Sec. 441.251. Periodic interim payment (PIP)
Sec. 441.252. Perpetual inventory
Sec. 441.253. Personal property
Sec. 441.254. Physical inventory
Sec. 441.255. Physical life
Sec. 441.256. Physician
Sec. 441.257. Physician, attending
Sec. 441.258. Physician, teaching
Sec. 441.259. Plant
Sec. 441.260. Plant replacement and expansion funds
Sec. 441.261. Pooled investments
Sec. 441.262. Premature infant
Sec. 441.263. Premature nursery
Sec. 441.264. Prepaid expense
Sec. 441.265. Prepay
Sec. 441.266. Present value
Sec. 441.267. Prior-period adjustment
Sec. 441.268. Procedure
Sec. 441.269. Professional component
Sec. 441.270. Program
Sec. 441.271. Provider
Sec. 441.272. Psychiatric day care
Sec. 441.273. Psychiatric inpatient service
Sec. 441.274. Psychiatric night care
Sec. 441.275. Radiology diagnostic films
Sec. 441.276. Real estate (or property)
Sec. 441.277. Reclassification
Sec. 441.278. Record
Sec. 441.279. Referred ambulatory
Sec. 441.280. Rehabilitation beds
Sec. 441.281. Religious corporation
Sec. 441.282. Reporting manual
Sec. 441.283. Reporting period
Sec. 441.284. Reporting principles
Sec. 441.285. Referred outpatient
Sec. 441.286. Refund
Sec. 441.287. Registration
Sec. 441.288. Relative value unit
Sec. 441.289. Remuneration
Sec. 441.290. Repair
Sec. 441.291. Replacement
Sec. 441.292. Replacement cost
Sec. 441.293. Reserve
Sec. 441.294. Resident
Sec. 441.295. Responsibility
Sec. 441.296. Responsibility accounting
Sec. 441.297. Restricted funds
Sec. 441.298. Retained earnings (or income)
Sec. 441.299. Retirement
Sec. 441.300. Retirement of indebtedness funds
Sec. 441.301. Revenue
Sec. 441.302. Revenue center
Sec. 441.303. Revenue-producing cost centers
Sec. 441.304. Routine
Sec. 441.305. Salvage value
Sec. 441.306. Self-responsible (self-pay) patient
Sec. 441.307. Self-insurance
Sec. 441.308. Share of pooled investments
Sec. 441.309. Sinking fund
Sec. 441.310. Services
Sec. 441.311. Specific purpose funds
Sec. 441.312. Specimen
Sec. 441.313. Standard unit of measure
Sec. 441.314. Standby pay (on-call)
Sec. 441.315. Stepdown method
Sec. 441.316. Straight-line method of depreciation
Sec. 441.317. Sub-acute care services
Sec. 441.318. Subsidiary ledger
Sec. 441.319. Tangible assets
Sec. 441.320. Teaching program (approved)
Sec. 441.321. Teaching program (nonapproved)
Sec. 441.322. Term endowment funds
Sec. 441.323. Tests
Sec. 441.324. Third-party payor
Sec. 441.325. Trade discount
Sec. 441.326. Transaction
Sec. 441.327. Treasury stock
Sec. 441.328. Treatment
Sec. 441.329. Triage
Sec. 441.330. Trial balance
Sec. 441.331. Trust
Sec. 441.332. Trust fund
Sec. 441.333. Tuberculosis beds
Sec. 441.334. Unit of service
Sec. 441.335. Unrealized revenue
Sec. 441.336. Unrestricted funds
Sec. 441.337. Useful life
Sec. 441.338. Vested interest
Sec. 441.339. Visit
Sec. 441.340. Wing
Sec. 441.341. Zero level accounts