Sec. 442.26. In-service education - nursing  

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    (a) Nursing in-service education activities are defined as educational activities conducted by the hospital for hospital nursing personnel. The cost of time spent by nursing personnel as students in such classes and activities must remain in the cost center in which their normal salary and wage costs are charged (i.e., the cost center in which they work). However, the cost (defined as salary, wages and payroll-related fringe benefits) of time spent in such classes and activities by those instructing and administering the programs must be included in the Nursing Administration cost center (account 8750). For those hospitals that want to account for these costs separately, an In-service Education - Nursing sub-account (account 8751) has been provided.
    (b) If instructors do not work full-time in the in-service programs, the cost (as defined above) of the portion of time they spend working in the in-service education program must be included in the Nursing Administration cost center. This may be accomplished by direct distribution of these costs (by natural classification of expense category) each payroll period based upon actual hours worked.
    (c) The costs of nursing in-service education supplies (such as cassettes, books, medical supplies, etc.) and outside lecturers must also be reflected in the Nursing Administration cost center. Nursing in-service education does not include orientation of new employees. Such orientation costs must be charged to the cost center in which the new employees are, or will be, assigned.