New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 10. Department of Health |
Chapter V. Medical Facilities |
Subchapter A. Medical Facilities—Minimum Standards |
Article 8. New York State Annual Hospital Report |
Part 447. Standard Unit of Measure References |
Sec. 447.2. Radiology Services
Latest version.
- (a)
(a) ACCOUNT NUMBER COST CENTER TITLE 7320 Radiology—Diagnostic 7360 Radiology—Therapeutic 7380 Nuclear Medicine (b) The above cost centers use as the basis for the Standard Unit of Measure the Radiology Relative Values as determined by the California Medical Association, 1974 California Relative Value Studies (RVS). Relative Value Units for unlisted BR (By Report), and RNE (Relativity Not Established) procedures are to be reasonably estimated on the basis of other comparable procedures or estimated by qualified personnel. Use the “Total Unit Value”, not the “PC Unit Value”, in recording the relative value unit counts. Because the California Medical Association is no longer publishing their Relative Value Studies booklet, the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine chapter is set forth as subdivisions (c)-(g) of this section with the approval of CMA.(c) RADIOLOGY AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE GROUND RULES(1) GENERAL: Listed values for radiology procedures apply only when these services are performed by or under the supervision of a physician.(i) The total unit value includes the professional component (see PC unit value below) plus the technical component. The value for injection procedure is not included except when procedure is marked with a small star (*). (See ground rule 6, below). This value is applicable in any situation in which a single charge is made to include both professional services and the technical cost of providing that service. Identification of a procedure by its 5-digit code without modifier −26 or −27 indicates that the charge includes both the “professional” and “technical” components.(ii) The PC unit value (professional component unit value) represents the value of the professional radiological services of the physician. This includes examination of the patient, when indicated, performance and/or supevision of the procedure, interpretation and written report of the examination and consultation with the referring physician. The value for injection procedure is not included except when procedure is marked with a small star (*). (See ground rule 6, below). This component is applicable in any situation in which the physician submits a charge for these professional services only. It does not include the cost of personnel, materials, space, equipment or other facilities. To identify a charge for professional component, use the 5-digit procedure code followed by modifier −26. (See modifier −26 and Appendix 1‡ for use of modifiers.)(iii) When this section of the RVS is used in connection with a “conversion factor” to establish fees, it must be emphasized that the SAME conversion factor cannot be applied to both the TOTAL UNIT VALUE and the PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT UNIT VALUE. Physicians who determine their fees by application of conversion factors to the unit values in this section must determine a separate factor for TOTAL UNIT VALUE and for PC UNIT VALUE.(iv) The technical component includes the charges for personnel, materials, including usual contrast media and drugs, film or xerograph, space, equipment and other facility but excludes the cost of radioisotopes. No unit values are listed for the technical component of radiology procedures, since these are institutional charges not billed separately by physicians. To identify a charge for the technical component, use the 5-digit procedure code followed by modifier −27. (See modifier −27 and Appendix 1‡ for use of modifiers.)(2) UNUSUAL SERVICE OR PROCEDURE: A service may necessitate skills and time of the physician over and above listed services and values. If substantiated “by report,” additional values may be warranted. (See unit value modifier −22 and rule 4, below.)(3) UNLISTED SERVICE OR PROCEDURE: When an unlisted service or procedure is provided, the values used should be substantiated “by report.” (See rule 4 below.) Identify by unlisted procedure number in appropriate section. For a comprehensive listing, see pages 15-16.(4) PROCEDURES LISTED WITHOUT SPECIFIC UNIT VALUES:(i) BY REPORT “BR” ITEMS: BR in the value column indicates that the value of this service is to be determined “by report,” because the service is too unusual or variable to be assigned a unit value. Pertinent information concerning the nature, extent and need for the procedure or service, the time, the skill and equipment necessary, etc., is to furnished. A detailed clinical record is not necessary.(ii) RELATIVITY NOT ESTABLISHED “RNE” ITEMS: RNE in the value column indicates new or infrequently performed services for which sufficient data have not been collected to allow establishment of a relative value. A report may be necessary.(5) MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY PHYSICIAN: Identify as 99070. (Radionuclides are identified as 99069.) Supplies and materials provided by the physician (e.g., sterile trays, drugs, etc.) over and above those usually included with the office visit or other services rendered may be charged for separately. (List drugs, trays, materials or supplies provided.)(6) INJECTION PROCEDURES: Values for injection procedures include all usual pre- and post-injection care specifically related to the injection procedure, necessary local anesthesia, placement of needle or catheter, and injection of contrast media.Vascular injection procedures are listed in the cardiovascular section, under procedure codes 36000-36299. Other injection procedures are listed in appropriate sections. The injection procedure is included in the unit value for radiographic procedures marked with a small star (*).(7) MISCELLANEOUS:(i) A physician may elect to reduce the listed value of a service for a variety of reasons. To identify such charges, see modifier −52.(ii) Examination outside of regular hours, at bedside or in operating room, may warrant an additional charge for technologist's time (see 99065, 99066).(iii) Values for office, home and hospital visits, consultation and other medical services, anesthesia, surgical and laboratory procedures are listed in the sections entitled “Medicine,” “Anesthesia,” “Surgery” and “Pathology.”(8) SPECIAL SERVICES AND BILLING PROCEDURES:(i) The following services are generally not part of the basic services as listed in the RVS, but do involve additional expense to the physician for materials, for his time or that of his employees. Those services that are generally provided as an adjunct to common medical services should be charged for only when circumstances clearly warrant an additional charge over and above the usual charges for the basic services.Unit Value (ii) 99065 Examination outside of regular hours may warrant an additional charge for technologist's time1.3(R) (iii) 99066 Examination at bedside or in operating room, unless otherwise indicated, may warrant an additional charge for technologist's time1.3(R) (iv) 99069 Radiopharmaceutical or other radionuclide material cost. Listed values in this section do not include these costs. List the name of radiopharmiceutical, dosage and costBR† (v) 99070 Supplies and material provided by the physician (e.g., sterile trays, drugs, etc.), over and above those usually included with the office visit or other services rendered may be charged for separately. List drugs, trays, supplies or materials providedBR† (vi) 99080 Special Reports (e.g.. insurance forms, narrative reports, review of medical records): When information more than that necessary to establish or to clarify a patient's status is requested (e.g., more than the standard reporting form) or a request is made for review of medical records and report, a charge adequate to cover the value of the additional service is justifiableBR† (9) UNIT VALUE MODIFIERS.(i) Listed values for most procedures may be modified under certain circumstances as listed below. When applicable, the modifying circumstances should be identified by the addition of the appropriate “modifier code number” (including the hyphen) after the usual procedure number. The values should be listed as a single modified total for the procedure. When multiple modifiers are applicable to a single procedure, see modifier −99.Unit Value (ii) -22 Unusual services: When the services provided are greater than those usually required for the listed procedure, identify by adding this modifier (-22) to the usual procedure number. List modified value. May require report. (iii) -26 Professional component: Under certain circumstances the physician may wish to submit a charge for the professional component of a procedure and not for the technical component. (See definition of professional component under ground rule 1.) Under these circumstances the professional component charge is identified by adding this modifier (-26) to the usual procedure number and valued according to the "PC unit value" for that procedure. (iv) -27 Technical component: Under certain circumstances, a charge may be made for the technical component alone (see definition of technical component under Ground Rule 1). Under those circumstances the technical component charge is identified by adding this modifier (-27) to the usual procedure number. (v) -52 Reduced values: Under certain circumstances, the listed value is reduced or eliminated because of ground rules, common practice. or at the physician's election (e.g., a physician may elect to reduce the listed values in a patient with multiple injuries requiring extensive radiographic examination). Under these or similar circumstances, the services provided can be identified by their usual procedure numbers and the use of a reduced value indicated by adding this modifier (-52) to the procedure number. (Use of this modifier provides a means of reporting services at reduced charge without disturbing usual relative values.) (vi) -90 Reference (outside) laboratory: When laboratory procedures are performed by other than the billing physician, the procedure (s) shall be identified by adding this modifier (-90) to the usual single or panel procedure number and shall be billed as charged to the physician. (For collection and handling charges, see 99007et seq.) (vii) -99 Multiple modifiers: Under certain circumstances, multiple modifiers may be applicable (e.g., a physician may perform services greater than those usually required [modifier -22]) and bill the professional component [modifier -26]). Under these circumstances, identify by adding this modifier (-99) to the usual procedure number and briefly indicate the circumstances. Value in accordance with appropriate modifiers. BR† (d) DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY.(1) Definitions.(i) Limited examination: An examination which usually includes AP and lateral views but is less than the “complete examination” defined below. This may be due to limitation of routine views by the physician; limitation for a specific purpose (e.g., AP and lateral views on post-reduction fracture of ankle); or necessary limitation due to the condition of the patient (e.g., single views for fractures in critically injured patient).(ii) Complete examination: An examination which includes all of the necessary views for optimal examination of the part for the suspected condition. All listed values are for complete examinations unless otherwise indicated. Necessary additional methods of examination (e.g., fluoroscopy, tomography, cineradiography) may be charged for separately.(2) Head and Neck.70002 Pneumoencephalography25.0 (For injection procedure for pneumoencephalography, see 61053, 62286) 70010 Cisternography, positive contrast (posterior, fossa myelographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 61052, 61053) 70020 Ventriculography, air or positive contrast15.5 (For injection procedures for ventriculography, see 61025, 61080, 61120) 70022 Stereotactic localizationBR† ‡70024 Computer assisted tomography, cerebral (e.g.,EMI scan), with or without intravenous contrast, limited (2 or 3 scans)RNE° ‡70025 complete (4 scans)RNE° ‡70028 each additional scan above 4RNE° 70030 Eye, for detection of foreign body5.2 70040 for localization of foreign body (70030 not included)8.4 70050 combined 70030 and 7004010.5 70100 Mandible, limited or unilateral3.8 70110 complete5.9 70120 Mastoid(s), limited or unilateral3.8 70130 complete and bilateral7.6 70134 Internal auditory meatuses7.1 ‡70136 Middle and inner ear, polytomographyRNE° 70140 Facial bones, limited4.4 70150 complete, and/or orbits6.4 70154 with nasal bones7.3 70160 Nasal bones3.9 70170 Nasolacrimal duct (dacryocystography)5.9 (For injection procedure for dacryocystography, see 68850) 70190 Optic foramina3.8 70210 Paranasal sinuses, limited3.1 70220 complete6.4 70240 Sella Turcica3.3 70250 Skull, limited3.8 70260 complete7.1 70300 Teeth, single view1.3 70310 partial examination. less then full mouth2.5 70320 complete examination, full mouth4.7 70330 Temporomandibular joints5.6 70350 Cephalogram (orthodontic)RNE° 70360 Neck for soft tissues2.7 †70368 Soft palate, cineradiography or videotapeRNE° †70373 Laryngography, contrast8.2 (For injection procedure for laryngography, see 31708) 70380 Salivary gland for calculus3.8 70390 Sialography5.1 (For injection procedure for sialography, see 42550) ‡70400 Orbitography, air or positive contrastBR† (For injection procedure for orbitography, see 67510) †70999 Unlisted procedure, head and neckBR† (3) Chest. 71000 Chest, "minifilm"1.2 71010 Chest, single view2.5 71020 two views3.8 †71021 three views4.4 71030 complete, minimum of four views4.9 71034 including fluoroscopy6.4 (For independent chest fluoroscopy, see 76000) 71036 Fluoroscopic localization for needle biopsy of intrathoracic lesion, including follow-up filmsBR† (For biopsy procedure, see 32420) †71038 Fluoroscopic localization for bronchial brush biopsy or fiber-optic bronchoscopy, including filmsBR† (For biopsy procedure, see 31717) 71040 Bronchography, unilateral9.1 71060 bilateral13.0 (For injection procedure for bronchography, see 31710, 31715) †71090 Fluoroscopy and radiography for pacemaker insertionBR† (For extended room time, see 76001) 71100 Ribs, unilateral4.4 71110 bilateral5.4 71120 Sternum3.8 71130 Sternoclavicular joint(s)3.8 †71199 Unlisted procedure, chestBR† (4) Spine and Pelvis. 72010 Spine, entire, survey study (AP and lateral)9.3 †72020 Spine, any level, single viewRNE° 72040 cervical, AP and lateral3.8 72050 complete6.0 72052 including flexion and extension views7.7 72070 thoracic4.4 72080 thoraco-lumbar junction4.4 72090 scoliosis study3.8 72190 lumbar, limited4.4 72110 lumbosacral, complete7.4 72114 including bending views9.3 72120 bending views only4.7 72170 Pelvis, limited3.1 72180 stereo3.8 72190 complete4.9 (For pelvimetry, see 74710) 72202 Sacroiliac joints5.1 72220 Sacrum and coccyx4.1 72250 Myelography, lumbar or any other single levels11.5 72270 all levels18.0 †72275 gasBR† (For injection procedures for myelography, see 62284) 72290 Discography, lumbar or cervical12.2 (For injection procedures for discography, see 62290, 62291) †72299 Unlisted procedures, spine or pelvisBR† (5) Upper Extremities. 73000 Clavicle3.1 73010 Scapula3.8 73020 Shoulder, limited2.7 73030 complete3.8 73040 arthrography6.4 (For injection procedure for arthrography, see 23350) 73050 Acromio-clavicular joints, bilateral, with or without weighted distraction4.4 73060 Humerus, including one joint3.1 73070 Elbow, limited2.8 73080 complete3.8 †73085 arthrographyBR† (For injection procedure, see 24220) 73090 Forearm, including one joint3.0 73100 Wrist, limited2.5 73110 complete3.8 †73115 arthrographyBR† (For injection procedure, see 25246) 73120 Hand, limited2.5 73130 complete3.5 73140 Finger(s)2.3 †73499 Unlisted procedure, upper extremitiesBR† (6) Lower Extremities. 73500 Hip, unilateral, limited3.1 73510 complete (including AP pelvis)4.4 ‡ 73515 bilateral, limited (e.g.,infant AP and frog lateral3.9 73520 bilateral, complete (including AP of pelvis)5.8 ‡ 73525 arthrographyRNE° (For injection procedures, see 27093-27094) 73530 during operative procedures up to four studies9.4 73532 each additional study1.8 73550 Femur (thigh), including one joint3.8 73560 Knee, limited2.7 73570 complete4.0 73580 arthorgraphy9.1 (For injection procedure, see 27370) 73590 Tibia and fibula (leg), including one joint3.1 73600 Ankle, limited2.7 73610 complete3.6 ‡ 73615 arthrographyRNE° (For injection procedures, see 27646 73620 Foot, limited2.5 73630 complete3.4 73640 Foot and ankle5.9 73650 Os calcis (heel)2.7 73660 Toe(s)2.3 ‡ 73999 Unlisted procedure, lower extremitiesBR† (7) Abdomen. 74000 Abdomen, single view (KUB)2.6 74010 with additional oblique or cone view3.9 74020 complete, includes decubitus and/or erect view5.1 (8) Gastrointestinal Tract. 74210 Pharynx and/or cerical esophagus5.4 74220 Esophagus5.4 74230 Pharynx and/or esophagus, by cineradiography7.4 ‡ 74242 Upper gastronintestinal tract, with or without KUB and with or without delayed films9.1 ‡ 74243 limited upper gastrointestinal tract (e.g.,recheck or follow-up study)6.4 74245 with small bowel, includes multiple serial films, with or without fluorscopy11.0 74250 Small bowel, includes multiple serial films with or without fluoroscopy or KUB, independent study8.5 ‡ 74260 Duodenography, hypotonicRNE° 74270 Colon, barium enema7.5 74275 combined with air contrast11.0 74280 air contrast (independent procedure)8.9 74290 Cholecystography, oral6.0 74291 repeat examination, same study3.0 74300 Cholangiography, operative7.6 *74305 post-operative (t-tube)*7.2 (For biliary duct stone extraction, see 47630 *74310 intravenous*10.5 74320 percutaneous, transhepatic or transjugular9.5 (For injection procedures for transhepatic cholangiography or percutaneous, see 47500; for transjugular, see 91120 ‡74325 Pneumoperitoneum, diagnostic.RNE° (For injection procedure, see 49400) ‡74340 Localization and/or manipulation of gastrointestinal tube (e.g.duodenal aspiration, Miller-Abbot tube, small bowel biopsy, colonoscopyRNE° ‡74399 Unlisted procedure, abdomen and gastrointestinal tractBR† (9) Urinary Tract. *74400 Urography, excretory (routine IVP)*9.4 *‡74406 extended (e.g.,hypertensive, drip infusion, and/or limited tomography)*10.5 *74415 Nephrotomography (independent procedure)*16.0 74420 Pyelography, retrograde, or unreterography, with or without KUB7.5 ‡74425 antegrade (nephrostogram, pyelostogram, loopogram, etc.)RNE° (For injection procedure, see 50394. 50684, 50690) 74430 Cystography, contrast or chain5.5 (For injection procedure for cystography, see 51600, 51605) 74440 Vasography, vesiculography, or epididymography5.5 (For injection procedure, see 52010, 52110. 55300) 74450 Urethrocystography, retrograde6.0 (For injection procedure for retrograde urethrocystography, see 51610) 74455 voiding8.9 (For injection procedure for voiding urethrocystography, see 51600) 74460 Retroperitoneal pneumography7.3 (For injection procedure for retroperitoneal pneumography, see 49430) 74470 Translumbar renal cyst study (contrast visualization)6.4 (For injection procedure for translumbar renal cyst study, see 50890) (For performance of study with ultrasound guidance, see 76960) (10) Female Genital Tract. (For abdomen and pelvis, see 74000-74020, 72170-72190) 74710 Pelvimetry6.2 74720 Abdomen for fetal age, fetal position and/or placental localization, single view2.8 74725 multiple views4.1 (For amniocentesis and injection for amniography, see 59000) 74740 Hysterosalpingography6.6 (For injection procedure for hysterosalpinogography, see 58340) 74760 Pelvic pneumography6.4 (For injection procedure for pelvic pneumography, see 49440) ‡74799 Unlisted procedure, genitourinary tractBR† (11) Vascular System. (i) The following nomenclature and relative values for vascular procedures permit accurate identification and description of complex as well as simple vascular studies.(ii) Serialographic procedure. A basic code number and relative value are assigned for the initial projection of each serialographic procedure and the value includes personnel, room setup, contrast material, transportation, trays, etc. The value does not include the charge for the catheterization or the injection procedure performed by the physician. Each additional serialographic projection value reflects the additional costs for subsequent projections or serialographic runs performed at the time of the initial examination whether or not they involve the same anatomical area as the initial projection. Unless otherwise indicated, bilateral procedures should be identified by the code number and description for additional serialographic projection of the part involved.(iii) This method is to be used in lieu of modifier -50 or -51 for description of multiple vascular radiologic procedures.(iv) Example I: Unilateral carotid. AP and lateral would be 75635, initial projection, plus 75638, one additional serialographic projection.(v) Example II: Bilateral carotid. AP and lateral would be 75635, initial projection, plus 75638, additional serialographic projections, times 3.(vi) Example III: If an aortoilac femoral study is performed at the conclusion of Example I or II, use number 75778, one or more additional serialographic projections.(vii) Cineradiographic Procedure. Value for cineradiographic procedures includes all projections. Injection procedures are listed in the appropriate section of Medicine or Surgery.(viii) Cardiopulmonary.75500 Angiocardiography, bycineradiographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 93501 et seq.) 75505 by serialography (initial projection)26.0 ‡75508 each additional serialographic projection7.7 75510 CO: angiocardiography for pericardial effusion (For injection procedure, see 36000)RNE° ‡75550 Coronary arterigraphy, by by cineradiography (includes all projections) (For injection procedure, see 36230)RNE° ‡75555 by serialography (initial projection)26.0 ‡75558 each additional serialographic projection)7.7 (For ventriculography and heart cateterization, see 93541 et seq.) ‡75580 Pulmonary arteriography, by cineradiography, (includes one or more projections)RNE° (For injection procedure, see 36013; see also 93541) ‡75580 by serialography (initial projection)26.0 ‡75588 each additional serialography projection7.7 Unlisted cardiopulmonary vascular procedureBR† (ix) Arteriography. 75605 Thoracic aortic arch, by serialography, Initial projection26.0 (For injection procedure, see 36290) ‡75608 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75615 Cervico-thoracic selective (e.g., extracranial carotid, vertebral, thyrocervical, internal mammary, bronchial arteries, etc.) by serialography, initial projection26.0 (For injection procedure, see 36210, 36220) ‡75618 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75635 Cerebral (carotid, vertebral), by serialography, initial projection26.0 (For injection procedure, see 80210, 36200.) ‡75638 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75760 Abdominal aorta, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36200) ‡75761 with serialography26.0 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75765 Abdominal selective (celiac, superior mesenteric, renal, adrenal, lumbar, etc.), by serialography, initial projection26.0 (For injection procedure, see 36240, 36250.) ‡75768 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75770 Aorto-iliac-femoral, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36200) ‡75775 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75778 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75780 Extremity, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36140, 36200) †75785 with serialography26.0 ‡75788 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75790 Arteriovenous shunt examination (e.g., dialysis patient)RNE° (For injection procedure, see 36145) ‡75797 Operative angiogram, single projectionRNE° ‡75799 Unlisted arteriographic procedureBR† (x) Venography. ‡75900 Superior vena cava, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36011) ‡75905 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75908 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75920 Cervico-cephalic, selective (e.g., jugular parathyroid), without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see, 36020, 36021) ‡75925 with serialography26.0 ‡75928 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75930 Orbital, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36060, 36020) ‡75935 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75938 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75940 Inferior vena cava, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36011) ‡75945 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75948 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75950 Abdominal, selective (e.g., renal, adrenal, hepatic), without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 36020, 36021) ‡75955 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75958 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75960 Splenoportography, without serialographyRNE° (For injection procedure, see 38200) ‡75965 with serialography, initial projection26.0 ‡75968 each additional serialographic projection7.7 ‡75970 Extremity, unilateral11.0 (For injection procedure, see 36000, 36001) ‡75971 bilateral16.5 ‡75979 Unlisted venous procedureBR† (xi) Lymphangiography. ‡75980 Extremity, unilateralRNE° (For injection procedure, see 38790, 38791) ‡75982 bilateralRNE° ‡75985 Complete (extremity-pelvic-abdominal, etc.)23.0 ‡75999 Unlisted lymphatic procedureBR† (12) Miscellaneous Studies. 76000 Fluoroscopy (independent procedure)2.6 76001 extended physician and/or room time with periodic fluoroscopy per 30 minutesREN° 76020 Bone age studies3.7 76040 Bone length studies (ortho-roentgenogram6.2 76060 Bone survey (for metastases, metabolic survey, or long bones).9.3 †76065 infant (e.g., "battered child")5.4 ‡76082 Fistula or sinus tract study5.4 (For injection procedure, see 20501) 76090 Mammography, unilateral5.4 76091 bilateral8.2 ‡76092 by xeroradiography, unilateralRNE° ‡76093 bilateralRNE° ‡76095 Surgical specimen radiographyBR† 76100 Laminography (tomography, planigraphy, body section radiography) (independent procedure)8.2 76105 to complement routine examination4.2 76120 Cineradiography (independent procedure)7.7 76125 to complement routine examination4.4 76140 Written consultation on X-ray examination made elsewhere (independent procedure)BR† ‡76150 Xeroradiography, to complement routine exam other than mammographyRNE° 76160 Polaroid X-ray film (in addition to value of procedure), per film0.5 ‡76170 Subtraction studies, per serialographic projection1.8 ‡76175 Duplication of radiographs, per film0.45 76180 Transportation of portable X-ray equipment and personnel to home or nursing home, per trip to facility or location, one patient seenRNE° ‡76181 more than one patient seen, per patientBR† ‡76300 ThermographyRNE° ‡76499 Unlisted miscellaneous radiology procedureBR† (e) DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND (1) Head, Neck. ‡76500 Midline determination (A-mode).7.0 ‡76510 Echography, ophthalmic (A-mode)7.0 ‡76511 with amplitude quantitationBR† ‡76512 contact scan (B-mode)BR† ‡76513 immersion scan (B-mode)BR† ‡76514 immersion (M-mode)BR† ‡76515 tomography, serial scan (B-mode, with or without A-mode and/or M-mode)BR† ‡76516 Echographic biometry ophthalmic (A-mode)BR† ‡76517 scan (B-mode)BR† ‡76529 Ophthalmic echographic foreign body localizationBR† ‡76535 Thyroid sonogram (B-scan)13.0 (2) Chest. ‡76600 Pericardial effusion (M-mode)7.0 ‡76610 Complete echocardiogram (M-mode) includes: pericardial, mitral and aortic valves, left atrial and ventricular measurements13.0 ‡76620 Limited echocardiogram (M-mode) (Follow-up study or any of the individual studies listed above in 76610)7.0 ‡76630 Pleural effusion localization (A-mode)7.0 (3) Abdomen. ‡76700 Abdomen, general survey study, includes delineation of any or all organs, and fluid collection (B-scan)13.0 ‡76705 Abdomen, limited survey study (includes tumor follow-up for radiation or chemotherapy within 30 days of initial study) (B-scan)7.0 ‡76710 Liver sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76720 Gallbladder sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76730 Kidneys sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76740 Pancreas sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76750 Spleen sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76765 Aorta sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76770 Retroperitoneal space sonogram (B-scan)13.0 ‡76780 Urinary bladder (B-scan)13.0 (4) Obstetrics andGynecology. ‡76810 Pregnancy and fetal age determination (B-scan)13.0 ‡76815 Repeat fetal age measurement (B-scan) within 30 days of initial4.0 ‡76820 Placental localization13.0 †76840 Intrauterine device localization (B-scan)13.0 ‡76850 Pelvic mass examination (B-scan)13.0 (5) Doppler. (excludes auscultation of fetal heart ‡76900 Peripheral arterial flow study12.0 ‡76910 Peripheral venous flow study12.0 (6) Miscellaneous. ‡76950 Mapping study for radiation therapy (includes contour, port demarcation on patient) (B-scan)16.0 ‡76960 Ultrasonic guidance for biopsy or aspiration (independent procedure)4.0 (For aspiration and biopsy see appropriate section. If aspiration and biopsy are performed as part of or immediately following diagnostic B-scan, no extra charge is allowed) ‡76999 Unlisted ultrasound procedureBR† (f) RADIATION THERAPY AND ONCOLOGY.(1) Radiation therapy as listed in this section includes teletherapy (i.e., the use of X-ray and other high-energy modalities, radium, cobalt, etc.) and brachytherapy (i.e., the surface, intracavitary or interstitial application of contained radioactive sources). For treatment by injectable or ingestible radioactive isotopes, see section on Nuclear Medicine.(2) The listed treatment values include initial treatment planning, initial and serial beam verification and central axis based calculations. They include normal follow-up care during the course of radiation therapy and for three months following its completion. Preliminary consultation and/or initial evaluation of the patient prior to radiation therapy are not included in the listed values. (See Medicine, 90000-90630). Complications or other circumstances requiring additional or unusual services concurrent with therapy or during the follow-up period may warrant additional charges.(3) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:(i) Treatment Week: Four or more treatment days in a calendar week. If three treatments or less in a week are given, use “treatment day” charge.(ii) Simple Treatment: Treatment of benign or malignant diseases requiring simple field localization or simple beam shaping devices, single field treatment, or surface or intracavitary therapy applied without general anesthesia.(iii) Complex Treatment: Treatment of malignant disease requiring complex field localization or use of beam shaping devices (e.g., treatment of eyelid; mantle fields in Hodgkin's disease, etc.) or two or more fields per region or two or more regions per day, massive single dose treatment, intracavitary therapy applied with general anesthesia.(iv) Adjunctive Radiotherapy Physics Services: The adjunctive radiotherapy physics services listed are those necessary to the conduct of radiation therapy for optimal patient care, performed in consultation with a qualified radiological physicist (e.g., patient dosimetry, design and construction of beam shaping devices). The values for these services apply when these services are performed by a physician or by a qualified radiological physicist under the supervision of a physician.(4) Teletherapy. (i) Per treatment schedule: Simple Treatment 77000 Superficial or orthovoltage (under 600 KVP), dermatoses, 3 fields or less, per treatment2.0 77010 more 3 fields, fields, per treatment2.4 77020 other benign lesions, per treatment2.5 77030 malignant lesions, per treatment3.6 77040 Supervoltage (600 KVP-2MeV, including Colbalt-60 and Cesium), per treatment5.0 77050 Megavoltage (3 MeV-8MeV), per treatment6.0 ‡77060 Megavoltage (over 8MeV or electron beam), per treatmentRNE° Complex Treatment ‡77070 Superficial or orthovoltage (less than 600 KVP), per treatmentBR† ‡77080 Supervoltage (600 KVP-2MeV, including Colbalt-60 and Cesium), per treatment6.0 ‡77090 Megavoltage (3MeV-8MeV), per treatment7.2 ‡77095 Megavoltage (greater than 8MeV or electron beam), per treatmentBR† (ii) Per treatment week schedule: Simple Treatment 77110 Superficial or orthovoltage (less than 600 KVP) per treatment week18.0 ‡77120 Supervoltage (600 KVP-2MeV, including Colbalt-60 and Cesium), per treatment week25.0 77130 Megavoltage (3MeV-8MeV), per treatment week30.0 ‡77135 Megavoltage (greater than 8 MeV or electron beam), per treatment weekBR† Complex Treatment 77210 Superficial or orthovoltage (less than 600 KVP), per treatment week24.0 77220 Supervoltage (600 KVP-2MeV, including Colbalt-60 and Cesium), per treatment week29.0 77230 Megavoltage (3MeV-8MeV), per treatment week36.0 ‡77235 Megavoltage (greater than 8MeV or electron beam), per treatment weekBR† ‡7299 Unlisted teletherapy procedureBR† (5) Brachytherapy. (Radium and other isotope applications) (For systemic, intracavitary and interstitial injection of radioactive material, see section on Nuclear Medicine.) (The cost of providing the radioactive material is not included in the listed values. For use or purchase of radioactive source, use 99069.) Surface application of radioactive material or mold: 77500 Per application2.9 Intracavitary application of sealed radioactive source: 77520 Simple treatment, per application26.0 77530 Complex treatment, per application, total care by single physician31.0 77531 field preparation and application only20.0 77532 radioactive material preparation and monitoring15.5 ‡77533 Heyman packing, total care by single physicianBR† 77534 field preparation and application onlyBR† ‡77535 radioactive material preparation and monitoringBR† Interstitial insertion of sealed radioactive source 77540 Simple treatment, per insertionBR† 77550 Complex treatment, per insertionBR† ‡77599 Unlisted brachytherapy servicesBR† (For hyperbaric pressurization, see 96200, 96201) (For chemotherapy of malignant disease, see 96030-96050) (6) Adjunctive Radiotherapy Physics Services.Isodose distributions, computer generated or otherwise:‡77901 Teletherapy, simple (one or two fields), per planeBR† ‡77902 complex (three or more fields, fixed or moving beam, or tissue inhomogeneity), per planeBR† ‡77905 Brachytherapy, intracavitary radioactive sources, first planeBR† 77906 each additional planeBR† ‡77911 Brachytherapy, interstitial radioactive sources, first planeBR† ‡77912 each additional planeBR† Miscellaneous radiological physics services:‡77920 In vivo dosimetryBR† ‡77295 Design and construction of beam shaping devices (e.g., bolus, template, blocks, compensatorsBR† ‡77930 Continuing radiological physics service in support of the radio-therapist in individual patient management per treatment courseBR† ‡77940 Tumor localization, simple, limited simulation and limited number of localization films (does not include "port" films or simple beam verification, which are included in basic treatment charge)BR† ‡77941 Tumor localization, complex, simulation requiring multiple films and/or extensive participation of the radiologist or radiotherapist in the localization proceduresBR† ‡77999 Unlisted adjunctive radio-therapyphysics procedureBR† (g) NUCLEAR MEDICINE(1) When the physician providing Nuclear Medicine services is also responsible for the preliminary diagnostic work-up and/or follow-up care of the patient, see appropriate sections for office or hospital visits, consultations and other medical, surgical, radiological and pathology services.(2) For complex instrumental or special data handling, see ground rule 3 in this section.(3) For all pharmaceutical or other radionuclide material costs, see 99069. The listed values in this section do not include these costs. List name of radiopharmaceutical, dosage and cost.(4) For other supplies and material provided by the physician, see 99070.(5) The term imaging as used in this section includes scanning, scintiphotography, scintigraphy, etc.(6) Diagnostic. (i) Endrocrine System.78000 Thyroid uptake, single determination4.0 78001 multiple determinations (as in 6 and 24 hours, etc.)5.3 ‡78003 Thyroid stimulation, suppression or discharge (not including initial uptake studies)5.7 ‡78006 Thyroid, imaging, with uptake, single determination10.0 ‡78007 multiple determinations10.5 78010 Thyroid, imaging only7.2 ‡78015 Thyroid carcinoma metastases, imaging, neck and chest only11.5 ‡78016 with additional studies (e.g., imaging other body areas urinary recovery, etc.)15.5 (Resin uptake T-3 or T-4[RT3U], see 84250) (Triliodothyronine [True T-3], RIA, see 83539) (T-4-thyroxin, CPB [Murphy-Pat-tee ], see 83536) (T-4-thyroxin, RIA, see 83537) (Calcitonin, RIA, see 82308) ‡78070 Parathyroid, imagingRNE° (Parathormone [parathyroid hormone], RIA, see 83970) ‡78075 Adrenal, imagingRNE° (Cortisol, RIA, plasma, see 82533) (Cortisol, RIA, urine, see 82534) (Aldosterone, double isotope technic, see 82087) (Aldosterone, RIA, blood, see 82088 (Aldosterone, RIA, urine, see 82089) (Pancreas, see 78240) (Insulin, RIA, see 83525) (Proinsulin, RIA, see 83526) (Glucagon, RIA, see 82943) (Adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], RIA, see 82024) (Growth Hormone [HGH], [Somatotropin ], RIA, see 83003) (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH], RIA, see 84443) (Thyrotropin Releasing Factor, RIA, see 84444; plus long acting [LATS], see 84445) (Follicle Stimulating Hormone, see Gonadotropin, pituitary [FSH], RIA, see 83001) (Luteinizing Hormone, see Gonadotropin, pituitary [LH], [ICSH], RIA, see 83002) (Prolactin level [Mammotropin], RLA, see 84146) (Oxytocin level, see Oxytocinase, RIA, 83951) (Vasopressin level, see Vasopressin [antidiuretic Hormone], RIA, see 84588) ‡78099 Unlisted endocrine procedureBR† (ii) Hematopoietic, Reticuloendothelial and Lymphatic System. ‡78102 Bone marrow, imaging, limited areaBR† ‡78103 multiple areasBR† ‡78104 whole bodyRNE° 78110 Blood or plasma volume, single sampling5.0 78111 multiple sampling7.0 (For dye method, see 84610) 78120 Red cell mass determination, single sampling9.4 78121 multiple sampling10.0 (see also 84610) 78130 Red cell survival study (e.g.,Cr)RNE° 78135 plus splenic and/or hepatic sequestrationRNE° 78140 Red cell splenic and/or hepatic sequestrationRNE° 78160 Plasma radio-iron disappearance (turnover) rateRNE° 78170 Radio-iron, red cell utilizationRNE° 78180 Radio-iron, body distribution and storage poolsRNE° (Cyanocobalamine [Vitamin B-12], RIA, see 82611) (Folic acid [folate] serum, RIA, see 82746) (Human Hepatitis Antigen, Hepatitis Association Agent [Australian antigen] [HAA], RIA, see 86287) ‡78185 Spleen, imaging only, static13.5 (If combined with liver study, use procedures 78215 and 78216)‡78186 with vascular flowRNE° ‡78195 Lymphatics and lymph glands imagingBR† ‡78199 Unlisted procedure, hematopoietic, RE and lymphaticBR† (iii) Gastrointestinal System. ‡78201 Liver, imaging, static13.5 ‡78202 with vascular flowRNE° (For spleen imaging only, use 78185 and 78186) ‡78215 Liver and spleen, imaging, static15.0 ‡78216 with vascular flow of liver and/or spleenRNE° ‡78220 Liver function (e.g., with radioiodinated rose bengal), with serial images15.5 ‡78221 with probe techniqueBR† ‡78225 Liver-lung study, imaging (e.g., for subphrenic abscess)27.0 ‡78230 Salivary glands, imaging, staticRNE° ‡78231 with serial viewsRNE° ‡78240 Pancreas, imaging23.0 ‡78270 Vitamin B-12 absorption studies(e.g., Schilling test) without intrinsic factor5.3 ‡78271 with intrinsic factor5.3 ‡78280 Gastrointestinal blood loss studyRNE° ‡78282 Gastrointestinal protein loss (e.g.51 Cr Albumin)RNE° ‡78285 Gastrointestinal fat absorption study (e.g., radioiodinated triolein)RNE° ‡78286 Gastrointestinal fatty acid absorption study (e.g., radioiodinated oleic acid)RNE° (Gastrin, RIA, see 82941) (Intrinsic factor level, see 84231) (Carcinoembryonic antigen level, RIA, see 86151) ‡78299 Unlisted gastrointestinal procedureBR† (iv) Musculoskeletal System. 78300 Bone imaging, limited area (e.g., skull, pelvis, etc.)11.5 78305 multiple areas16.0 ‡78307 whole body20.0 ‡78380 Joints, imagingRNE° ‡78399 Unlisted musculoskeletal procedureBR† (v) Cardiovascular System. ‡78401 Cardiac blood pool, imaging, static(e.g.,as for pericardial effusion)13.0 ‡78402 with vascular flowRNE° ‡78405 Myocardium, imagingBR† ‡78435 Cardiac flow study, imaging (i.e.,angiocardiography)RNE° ‡78445 Vascular flow study, imaging (i.e., angiography)RNE° ‡78455 Venous thrombosis studyRNE° ‡78470 Cardiac output (see also 93561-93562)RNE° ‡78490 Tissue clearance studiesRNE° (Digoxin, RIA, see 82643) (Digitoxin [digitalis], RIA, see 82640) ‡78499 Unlisted cardiovascular procedureBR† (vi) Respiratory System. ‡78580 Pulmonary perfusion imaging, particulate17.5 ‡78581 gaseousBR† ‡78582 with ventilation, rebreathing and washoutBR† ‡78590 Pulmonary ventilation imaging, aerosolBR† ‡78591 gaseous, single breath, single projectionRNE° ‡78592 multiple projections (e.g.,anterior, posterior, lateral views)RNE° ‡78593 with rebreathing and washout with or without single breath, single projection15.0 ‡78594 multiple projections (e.g.,anterior, posterior, lateral views)BR† ‡78599 Unlisted respiratory procedureBR† (vii) Nervous System. ‡78600 Brain, imaging, limited procedure, static17.5 ‡78601 with vascular flow20.0 ‡78605 complete, static19.0 ‡78606 with vascular flow23.0 ‡78610 vascular flow study only5.7 ‡78630 Cerebrospinal fluid flow, imaging, cisternography (not including introduction of material,e.g.,for lumbar puncture, see 62288, etc.)24.0 ‡78635 ventriculography24.0 ‡78640 myelographyRNE° ‡78945 shunt evaluation24.0 ‡78650 CSF leakage21.0 ‡78699 Unlisted procedure, nervous systemBR† (viii) Genitourinary System ‡78700 Kidney, imaging, static12.0 ‡78701 with vascular flow17.0 ‡78704 with function study (i.e.,imaging renogram)19.0 ‡78707 with vascular flow and function study28.0 78715 Kidney, vascular flowRNE° ‡78720 Kidney, function study (i.e., renogram)8.0 ‡78721 with serial images11.5 ‡78725 Kidney function study, clearanceBR† (Renin [Angiotensin I], RIA, see 84244; Angiotensin II, RIA, see 82163) ‡78730 Urinary bladder residual studyRNE° ‡78740 Ureteral reflux studyRNE° (Estradiol, RIA, see 82670; see also 82677 and 82679) (Progesterone, RIA, see 84144) (Testosterone, blood, RIA, see 84403) (Testosterone, urine, RIA, see 84405) ‡78770 Placenta, imaging8.7 ‡78775 localization (e.g.,radioiodinated HSA)7.2 (See also 74720, 74725 and 76820) (Lactogen, placental [HPL] chorionic somatomammotropin, RIA, see 83632) (Chorionic gonadotropin, RIA, see 82998) ‡78799 Unlisted genitourinary procedureBR† (ix) Miscellaneous Studies.‡78800 Tumor localization (e.g.,gallium, selenomethionine, etc.), limited areaRNE° (For specific organ, see appropriate heading) ‡78801 multiple areasRNE° ‡78802 whole bodyRNE° ‡78899 Miscellaneous unlisted procedureBR† (7) Therapeutic.(Preliminary and follow-up diagnostic tests not included. For these services, see appropriate sections.) (For radiopharmaceutical or other radionuclide material costs, see 99069) (For procedures involving radioactive sealed sources and surface application of radioactive material, see Radiation Therapy) 79000 Hyperthyroidism, initial evaluation of patient and administration of radionuclide28.0 79001 subsequent, each13.5 79020 Thyroid suppression, evaluation of patient and administration of radionuclide28.0 ‡79030 Thyroid carcinoma, ablation of glandBR† ‡79035 therapy, for metastasesBR† 79100 Polycythemia vera, chronic leukemia, etc., per treatment11.5 79200 Intracavitary radioactive colloid therapyBR† 79300 Interstitial radioactive colloid therapyBR† 79400 Therapy,e.g.,for metastases to bone (non-thyroid)BR† ‡79499 Unlisted therapeutic procedureBR† (For chemotherapy procedure, see 96030-96055) BR† By report; see ground rule 4(a) for detailed information.RNE° Relativity not established; see ground rule 4(b) for detailed information.‡ Code number new to 1974 revision of CRVS.□ Relativity for professional component of service only.
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