Sec. 458.4. Index for salaries by job title  

Latest version.
  • This index presents guidelines for classifying specific job titles by the proper natural classification.
    Job TitleNatural classification of expense
    AccountantTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Accounting ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Activity TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Activity AideAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Administrative AssistantManagement and Supervision
    Administrative SecretaryClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    AdministratorManagement and Supervision
    Admitting OfficerManagement and Supervision
    Admitting ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Assistant Administrator, DirectorManagement and Supervision
    Associate Administrator, DirectorManagement and Supervision
    AttendantAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    AttorneyTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    AudiologistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    AudiometristTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Auditor, InternalTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    BakerTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Boiler RepairmanEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    BookkeeperClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Business Office ManagerManagement and Supervision
    CarpenterEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    CashierClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    ChaplainTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    ChiefManagement and Supervision
    ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Clerk-TypistClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Communications CoordinatorManagement and Supervision
    Computer OperatorTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    ControllerManagement and Supervision
    CookTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Coordinator, Physical MedicineManagement and Supervision
    Corrective TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Dark Room AttendantAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Dental AssistantAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Dental HygienistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Dental Lab TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    DentistPhysicians Salaries
    Dietary AideEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Dietetic ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    DietitianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    DirectorManagement and Supervision
    DispatcherClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Dispensary ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    DriverEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Duplicating Machine OperatorClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Educational TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    EEG TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    EKG TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Electrical RepairmanEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Electro-Medical RepairmanEnvironment. Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Elevator OperatorEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Employment ManagerManagement and Supervision
    Extractor ManEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    File ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Fireman, BoilerEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Flatwork FinisherEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    ForemanManagement and Supervision
    Grounds KeeperEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    GuardEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    GuideClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Health PhysicistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Housekeeping AideEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Housekeeping AttendantEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Housekeeping Crew LeaderManagement and Supervision
    Incinerator ManEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Industrial EngineerTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Inhalation TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Inhalation Therapy TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Intern, M.D.Interns, Residents and Fellows
    InstructorTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Insurance ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    InterviewerClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Job AnalystTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Keypunch OperatorClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Laboratory AideAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Laboratory TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Library AssistantClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)Licensed Practical Nurses
    Maintenance Man HelperEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Maintenance MechanicEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    ManagerManagement and Supervision
    Manual-Arts TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Medical Laboratory AssistantManagement and Supervision
    Medical LibrarianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Medical Record LibrarianManagement and Supervision
    Medical Record TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Medical SecretaryClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Medical StenographerClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Medical TechnologistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Medical TranscriptionistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    MessengerClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Music TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Nurse, HeadRegistered Nurse
    Nurse, Licensed PracticalLicensed Practical Nurses
    Nurse, PractitionerTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Nurse, Staff (RN)Registered Nurses
    Nursing AideAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Occupational TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Occupational Therapy AideAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    OptometristTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    OrderlyAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Owner/OperatorManagement and Supervision
    Painter, MaintenanceEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Parking Lot AttendantClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    PathologistPhysicians Salaries
    Patient Food Service WorkerEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Personnel AssistantClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    PharmacistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Pharmacy HelperAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    PhysiatristPhysicians Salaries
    Physical TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Physical Therapy AideAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    PhysicianPhysicians Salaries
    Physician's AssistantTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Plasterer, MaintenanceEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Plumber, MaintenanceEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    PodiatristPhysicians Salaries
    Presser, HandEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Press OperatorEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    PrinterTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    ProgrammerTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Prosthetist-OrthotistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Public Information SpecialistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Purchasing AgentTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Radiologic TechnologistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    RadiologistPhysicians Salaries
    ReceptionistClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Recreational TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Recreation DirectorTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Refrigeration MechanicTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Residence DirectorManagement and Supervision
    ResidentInterns, Residents and Fellows
    SeamstressEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    SecretaryClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Social Work AssistantAides, Orderlies and Assistants
    Social WorkerTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Speech and Hearing TherapistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Speech ClinicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Speech PathologistTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Stationary EngineerEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Stock ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    SupervisorManagement and Supervision
    Supervisor, Registered NurseManagement and Supervision (supervising two or more units/areas)
    Systems Analyst, Data ProcessingTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Telephone OperatorClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Therapy TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Thermograph TechnicianTechnicians, Specialists and Non-Physician Medical Practitioners
    Training OfficerManagement and Supervision
    Transcribing Machine OperatorClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Truck DriverEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Tumbler OperatorEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    TypistClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    Wall WasherEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Ward ClerkClerical and Other Administrative Employees
    WashpersonEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees
    Window WasherEnvironment, Hotel and Food Service Employees