Sec. 458.5. Supplies and materials classification index

Latest version.
  • This section presents guidelines forreporting supplies and services expenses by the proper functional reporting center and natural classification. Items whose use is common to more than one functional reporting center are not referenced to a single center but to the “appropriate” reporting center. Some items are too general in nature to be referenced to a specific natural classification. Therefore, the reference is to the “appropriate” natural classification.
    ItemFunctional reporting centerNatural classification
    Abrasive floor surfacingPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Accounting and audit feesFiscal ServicesAuditing Services
    Ace bandagesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Acetylene, dissolvedPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Acids, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Actuarial feesFiscal ServicesConsulting and Management Services
    Adapters, glass, metal, syringeCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Adhesive padsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Adhesive removerCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Adhesive tapeCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Administrative resident stipendsAppropriate Reporting CenterInterns, Residents and Fellows
    Admission formsSocial ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Advertising, community educ.Administrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Advertising, employmentAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Advertising, sale of assets and wasteAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Advertising, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Affiliation Dues, Nursing Home AssociationAdministrative ServicesDues to Nursing Home Associations
    Air cushions, invalidCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    AirwaysCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    AlbuminometersLaboratory ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Alcohol, grainPharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Alcohol, rubbingCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Alcohol packetsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Alcohol permit feesPharmacyLicenses and Taxes (other than income taxes)
    Alcohol recordsPharmacyOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Alkalies, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Ambulance feesTransportationOther Purchased Services
    Ambulance insurance premiumsAdministrative ServicesInsurance
    Ambulance licensesAdministrative ServicesLicenses and Taxes (other than income taxes)
    Ambulance rentalTransportationRentals or Lease—Movable Equipment
    AmmoniaHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    AnalgesicsPharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Arbitration expensesAdministrative ServicesLegal Services
    AspirinPharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Assessments, improvementAdministrative ServicesLicenses and Taxes (other than income taxes)
    Assessments, operatingAdministrative ServicesLicenses and Taxes (other than income taxes)
    Association, dues Nursing Home AssociationAdministrative ServicesDues to Nursing Home Association
    Association dues, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    AtomizersCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Attorney's feesAdministrative ServicesLegal Service
    Audit feesFiscal ServicesAuditing Services
    Autoclave tapeCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Automatic door repairsPlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services Nonassignable
    Automatic telephone rentalsAdministrative ServicesRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Automobile insurance premiumAppropriate Reporting CenterInsurance
    Automobile licenseAppropriate Reporting CenterLicenses and Taxes (other than income taxes)
    Automobile rentalsAppropriate Reporting CenterRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Automobile repairsAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services Directly Assignable
    Awards, employeeAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Awards, volunteer serviceAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Badges, identification, employeesAdministrative ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Badges, identification, volunteersAdministrative ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Bags, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bags, paperAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    BandagesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Bands, identificationSocial ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bands, rubberAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Bank chargesFiscal ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Basin, bath, emesis, faceAppropriate Nursing Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Baskets, drugPharmacyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Baskets, wasteAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Baskets, specimen, collection (sputum, urine and feces)Laboratory ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Bath capsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bath matsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bath robesLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Batteries, flashlightAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    BedpansAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Benzalkonium chloride sol. and tinct.Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    BlanketsLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Blood bank suppliesLaboratory ServicesOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Blood, for patientsLaboratory ServicesOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Blood derivativesLaboratory ServicesOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Blood type tests, purchasedLaboratory ServicesMedical—Purchased Services
    Blow bottlesAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Board member expensesAdministrative ServicesAppropriate Natural Classification
    Bond, Underwriting and issuance costInterest on Capital DebtAdministrative Fees—Long term Debt
    Bonding discount amortizationInterest on Capital DebtInterest
    Bonding insurance premiums, employeesAppropriate Reporting CenterInsurance
    Bond interest expenseInterest on Capital debtInterest
    Book and journal bindingAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Bookkeeping formsFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Books, medicalAdministrative ServicesBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    BoraxLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bottles, drugPharmacyOther Supplies and Materials
    Bottles, reagentLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bottles, specimenLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Bread and pastriesAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    BroomsHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    BrushesHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Buckets, scrubHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Building repairs by outside concernsPlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—Nonassignable
    Bulbs, electric lightPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Burners, bunsenLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Business interruption insuranceAdministrative ServicesInsurance
    Business machine rentalsAppropriate Reporting CenterRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Business office formsFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    ButtonsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    CanesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Caps, ice (bags)Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    CapsulesPharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Carpenter toolsPlant Operation and MaintenanceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Carpeting and rugs, cleaningHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    Cartage, drayage, and freight
    (1) suppliesSame Reporting Center as Item PurchasedOther Direct Expenses
    (2) equipmentSame Reporting Center as Item Purchased
    Cash shortages, overagesFiscal ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    CastersAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Cases, pillowLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Catheter boxes, traysCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Catheters, metal, rubber, etc.Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Chart envelopesMedical RecordsOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Chart, patientMedical RecordsOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Checkbooks and voucher checksFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Chemicals, pharmaceuticalPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Chemicals, reagentLaboratory ServicesOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    ChinawareAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    ChuxLaundry and Linen ServicesDisposable Linens
    Cleaning compoundsHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Cleavers, choppingAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Clocks, householdAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Clocks, interval timerAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Clothes racksAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Clothing, inpatientsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Clothing, staffAppropriate Reporting CenterEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Cloths, faceLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Cloths, tableAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Coal and cokePlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Utilities
    CocainePharmacyPrescription Drugs
    ColandersAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Collection feesFiscal ServicesCollection Services
    Compensations, physician
    (1) payrollAppropriate Reporting CenterSalaries and Wages—Physicians
    (2) non-payrollAppropriate Reporting CenterPhysicians Fees
    Compound tincture benzoinCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Consultant fees
    (1) from non-related organizationAppropriate Reporting CenterConsulting and Management Services
    (2) from related organizationAppropriate Reporting CenterManagement Services
    Containers, false teethAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Containers, needleCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Controlled substancesPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Controls, sterilizerAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Cotton, absorbentCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Cotton ballsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Cottonseed oilCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Covers, tray or table (patients)Appropriate Dietary Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Cross match fees (see Laboratory Procedures)
    CrutchesCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Cuffs, blood pressureCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Cups, chinaAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Cups, paper, beverageAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Cups, sputum, paperCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Curtains and draperies, window, cleaningHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    Curtains and draperies, cubicle, initialHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Cushions, air, invalidCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Cutters, paperAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Dairy productsAppropriate Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Data processing fees, patient discharge informationFiscal ServicesOther Purchased Services
    Data processing fees, patient discharge informationUtilization ReviewOther Purchased Services
    Data processing fees,. general accountingFiscal ServicesOther Purchased Services
    Data processing formsFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Data processing suppliesFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Dental suppliesDentalOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Depreciation, major movable equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterDepreciation and Amortization
    Depreciation, minor equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterDepreciation and Amortization
    Depressors, tongueCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Detective serviceSecurityOther Purchased Services
    Detergents (laundry)Laundry and Linen ServicesCleaning Supplies
    Developers and hypo solutionsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    DextrosePharmacyPrescription Drugs
    DinnerwareAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Dishes, evaporating, PetriLaboratory ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Dishes, tableAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    DishpansAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    DisinfectantsHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    DissectorsLaboratory ServicesInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Doilies, tray, paperAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Douche pansCentral Service SupplyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Draperies and curtains (see Curtains)
    Drayage (see Cartage)
    Dressing trayCentral Service SupplyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    DressingsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Drinking cups (see Cups)
    Droppers, medicineCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Dues, association, nursing homeAdministrative ServicesDues to Nursing Home Associations
    Dues, professional organizationsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Dust controlHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    Dyes, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Education supplies, students'Appropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Education supplies, inservice-NursingNursing AdministrationOther Supplies and Materials
    Education supplies. inservice—OtherAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Electric light bulbsPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    ElectricityPlant Operation and MaintenanceElectricity
    Elevator inspection feesPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Direct Expense
    Elevator liability insurancePlant Operation and MaintenanceInsurance
    Elevator repairsPlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maintenance-Purchased Service Nonassignable
    Employee benefits. F.I.C.A.Reporting Center to which Employee is AssignedFICA
    Employee benefits, unemployment insuranceReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedState Unemployment Insurance and Federal Unemployment Insurance
    Employee benefits, parkingReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, mealsReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, health insuranceReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedGroup Health Insurance
    Employee benefits, life insuranceReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, tuitionReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, recreational and cultural activitiesReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, licensesReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee benefits, pension, nonunionReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedPension and Retirement—Nonunion
    Employee benefits, pension, unionReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedPension and Retirement—Union
    Employee benefits, housing allowanceReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Employee uniforms, hospital ownedLaundry and Linen ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Employment agency feesAdministrative ServicesOther Fees
    Enema, disposableCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Engineering toolsPlant Operation and MaintenanceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Envelopes, films, x-raysRadiologyOther Supplies and Materials
    Envelopes, paper, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Epsom saltsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Equipment repair by outside concernsAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maintenance—Purchase Services—Directly Assignable
    Express charges (see Cartage)
    Exterminator (pest control services)Housekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    Extractors, fruit juiceAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical equipment
    Face clothsLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Face masksCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Fees, medical—PhysiciansAppropriate Reporting CenterPhysicians Fees
    Fees, medical—TherapistsAppropriate Reporting CenterTherapists and Others (nonphysicians)
    Fees, nonmedical (see specific category)
    Fidelity bond premiumsReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedInsurance
    Film hangersRadiologyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    FilmsRadiologyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Filters—air conditionersPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Fingerprinting suppliesSecurityOther Supplies and Materials
    Fire insurance premiumsAdministrative ServicesInsurance
    Flashlight and batteriesAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Flasks, generalAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Flowers, decorativeHousekeeping ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Flower pots and planters
    (1) inside facilityHousekeeping ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    (2) outside facilityGroundsOther Supplies and Materials
    Food, meat, fish and poultryAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Food, otherAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Forks, kitchenAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Forms, medical record, medical history, etc.Medical RecordsOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Freight Charges (see Cartage)
    Fruits and vegetablesAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Fuel, gasPlant Operation and MaintenanceGas
    Fund raising expensesFund RaisingAppropriate Natural Classification
    FunnelsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Gags, mouthCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Garbage cansHousekeeping ServiceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Gas (fuel)Plant Operation and MaintenanceGas
    GasolineAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    GauzeCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Germicides, cleaningHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Glass, windowPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Glassware, kitchen, dining roomAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Glassware, laboratoryLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Gloves, disposableCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Gloves, reuseableCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Glucose, I.V.PharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Glue, furniture, etc.Plant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    GlycerinePharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Gowns, employeeLaundry and Linen ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Gowns, patients'Laundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Graduates, glassLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Grass seedGroundsOther Supplies and Materials
    Graters, foodAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Greases, lubricatingAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Guard service feesSecurityOther Purchased Services
    Hammers, percussion reflexCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Hangers, coatHousekeepingOther Supplies and Materials
    Hangers, filmRadiologyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    HardwareAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    HeatersAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Heating, ventilating and air conditioning suppliesPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Holders, napkinAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Holders, needleCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Holders, sputum cupCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Holders, test tubeLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Hot packs, apparatusCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Hot water bottlesCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Hydrogen PeroxideCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Hypodermic needlesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    I.V. setPharmacyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    I.V. additivesPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    I.V. solutionsPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    I.V. suppliesPharmacyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Ice (purchased)Appropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Ice bagsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Ident-a-bandsSocial ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Income taxNote: Income Taxes are Nonoperating Expenses which are not assigned to Functional Reporting CentersOther Direct Expenses
    Ink, printingAdministrative ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Ink, markingLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Insect extermination expenseHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    InsecticidesHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Inservice education supplies (see Education supplies)
    Inspection fees and permitsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Instruments, tray—reusableCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Instruments, tray—disposableCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Boiler liabilityPlant Operation and MaintenanceInsurance
    Bonding liabilityReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedInsurance
    Elevator liabilityPlant Operation and MaintenanceInsurance
    FireAdministrative ServicesInsurance
    Malpractice liabilityAdministrative ServicesInsurance
    UnemploymentReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedState Unemployment Insurance and Federal Unemployment Insurance
    Workers' Compensation (ind. injury)Reporting Center to which Employee is AssignedWorkers' Compensation Insurance
    Intercommunication system expenseAdministrative ServicesAppropriate Natural Classification
    Interest expense, current working capitalAdministrative ServicesInterest
    Interest expense, long termInterest on Capital DebtInterest
    Intramuscular injectablesPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Irrigating solutionsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Irrigation tipsCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    IrrigationCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Jackets, orderlies, operating room, etc.Laundry and Linen ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Jars, specimenLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Journals, medical (see Magazines)
    Kettles, steam (patients' use)Central Service SupplyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Kettles, steam (kitchen)Appropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    KeysSecurityOther Supplies and Materials
    Kitchen utensilsAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Knife, bread, butcher, etc.Appropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Labels, drugPharmacyOther Supplies and Materials
    Labels, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Labor relations and consultation feesAdministrative ServicesConsulting and Management Services
    Laboratory procedures by facility based physiciansLaboratory ServicesPhysicians Fees
    Laboratory procedures by outside concernsLaboratory ServicesContracted Services
    LactometersLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    LaddersPlant Operation and MaintenanceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Lamps, electricAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    LancetsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Lancets, bloodCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Lanterns (battery or gas type)Plant Operation and MaintenanceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Laundering—outside concernsLaundry and Linen ServicesContracted Services
    Laxatives, simplePharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Lease costs (see Rental Charges)
    Legal fees, collectionsFiscal ServicesLegal Services
    Legal feesAdministrative ServicesLegal Services
    Lens paperLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    LicensesAdministrative ServicesLicenses and Taxes (other than income tax)
    Lime, chlorinatedHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Linen, bedLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Linen, disposableLaundry and Linen ServicesDisposable Linens
    Linen, sterileLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Litmus paperLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Long distance telephone chargesAdministrative ServicesTelephone and Telegraph
    Lubricating fluidsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Lubricating jellyCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    LumberPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    LyeLaundry and Linen ServicesCleaning Supplies
    Magazines, lobbyAdministrative ServicesBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    Magazines, medical journalsAppropriate Reporting CenterBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    Magazines, general interestAdministrative ServicesBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    Magazines. departmentAppropriate Reporting CenterBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    Maintenance contracts, major movable equipmentAppropriate Reporting Center NOTE: If the appropriate functional reporting center is Plant Operation and Maintenance, then these items should be assigned to the Natural Classification, Repairs and Maintenance Purchased Services NonassignableRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services Directly Assignable
    Maintenance contracts, fixed equipmentAppropriate Reporting Center NOTE: If the appropriate functional reporting center is Plant Operation and Maintenance, then these items should be assigned to the Natural Classification, Repairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—NonassignableRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—Directly Assignable
    Maintenance contracts, minor movable equipmentAppropriate Reporting Center NOTE: If the appropriate functional reporting center is Plant Operation and Maintenance, then these items should be assigned to the Natural Classification, Repairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—NonassignableRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—Directly Assignable
    MaaloxPharmacyMedicine Cabinet Drugs
    Mangle apronsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Marking ink and labelsLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Mats, bathLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Mattress covers and padsLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Measures, metalAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Meat and poultryAppropriate Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Membership dues, Nursing Home Asso.Appropriate Reporting CenterDues to Nursing Home Associations
    Membership dues, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    MortarsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Mortgage, interest expenseInterest on Capital DebtInterest
    Motor oil, car, truckAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Motor vehicle insuranceAppropriate Reporting CenterInsurance
    Motor vehicle license
    (see Licenses)
    Mouthwash, nonprescriptionCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Mucous bulbsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Narcotic permit feesPharmacyLicenses and Tax (other than income taxes)
    Narcotic recordsPharmacyOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Needles, aneurysm, aspiratingCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Needles, spinal, hypodermicCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Needles, sewingLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Nets, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    NewspapersAppropriate Reporting CenterBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    NitroglycerinePharmacyPrescription Drugs
    NovacainePharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Nurses' uniforms (when hospital furnished), except student'sLaundry and Linen ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Office supplies (printing and stationery)Appropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Oil, fuel #2Plant Operation and MaintenanceFuel Oil #2
    Oil, fuel #4Plant Operation and MaintenanceFuel Oil #4
    Oil, fuel #6Plant Operation and MaintenanceFuel Oil #6
    Oils and greases, generalPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Orthopedic SuppliesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    OxygenCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Packets—alcohol, lemon/glycerineCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Pack (hot) apparatus, electric (see Heaters, Hot pack, Kettles)
    Packs, steamCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Pads, bed, table, etc. (cloth)Appropriate Reporting CenterLinen and Bedding
    Pads, cleaningHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Pads, laundry, mangle, pressLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Pads, rubber floor matAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Pails, scrubHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Paint brushesPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Painting, contractedPlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased Services—Nonassignable
    Painters' drop clothsPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Paints, shellacs, varnishesPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Pans, bakingAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Pans, dustHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Paper, duplication machineAdministrative ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Paper, data processingFiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Paper, print shop suppliesAdministrative ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Paper cupsAppropriate Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Paper, shelf, toiletHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Paper platesAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Paper, waxAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Pencils, lead, crayon, markingAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    PensAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Pension plan premiums—nonunionRptg. Ctr. to which Employee is AssignedPension and Retirement—Non-Union
    Pension plan premiums—unionRptg. Ctr. to which Employee is AssignedPension and Retirement—Union
    Percussion hammersCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    PeriodicalsAppropriate Reporting CenterBooks, Periodicals, Etc.
    Personal property tax (see Taxes)
    PillowsHousekeeping ServiceLinen and Bedding
    Pins, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Pins, safety, straightAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    PipettesLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Pitcher, waterAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Plaster, buildingPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Plasters, adhesiveCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Material and Supplies
    Plate, china, dinner, salad, etc.Appropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Plates, x-ray (film)RadiologyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Plumbing suppliesPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    PolishesHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Postage, for general useAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Postage, for specific departmentsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Powders, film developingRadiologyOther Supplies and Materials
    Powders, insectHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Powders, scouringHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Power, purchasedPlant Operation and MaintenanceAppropriate Natural Classification
    Prescriptions (outside purchases)PharmacyOther Purchased Services
    Prescription blanksPharmacyOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Radiology services by outside concernRadiologyMedical Purchased Services
    Rags, cleaningHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Razor bladesAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    RazorsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Receptacles, wasteHousekeeping ServiceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Record forms, medicalMedical recordsOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Records for transcribing machinesAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Rectal tubesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Registers, narcoticPharmacyOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Rental charges, major movable equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Rental charges, fixed equipment, generalDepreciation, Leases, and RentalsRental or Lease—Fixed Equipment
    Rental charges, minor equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Rental charges, reusable supp.Appropriate Reporting CenterOther Direct Expenses
    Rental charges, duplicating machineAdministrative ServicesRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Rentals, intercommunicating equipmentAdministrative ServicesRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Rentals, safety deposit boxesAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Repair, replacement of personal property (eye glasses, dentures, hearing aides, etc.)Administrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Repairs, minor, to buildingsPlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maintenance—Purchased
    (by an outside concern) Services Nonassignable
    Repairs, purchased, to equipment (identifiable with specific departments):
    Major movableAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Fixed equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Minor equipmentAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Reusable suppliesAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Repairs, purchased, to equipment
    (not identifiable with specific departments)
    Pillow mikesAppropriate Nursing Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Lobby furniturePlant Operation and MaintenanceRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Nonassignable
    T.V., patientsAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    WheelchairAppropriate Reporting CenterRepairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Research expenseResearchAppropriate Natural Classification
    RespiratorsCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Ribbons, typewriterAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Rubber bandsAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Safety pinsAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Saucers, plantHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Scissors sharpeningAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Purchased Services
    Scoops, flour, sugar, etc.Appropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    SeafoodAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    SedativesPharmacyPrescription Drugs
    Service charges on equipment repairsAppropriate Reporting Center Note: If the appropriate functional reporting center is Plant Operation and Maintenance, then these items should be assigned to the Natural Classification, Repairs and Maintenance-Purchased Services—Nonassignable.Repairs and Maint.—Purch. Serv.— Dir. Assignable
    Sharpeners, pencilAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Sheets, linenLaundry and LinenLinen and Bedding
    Sheets, rubber, on patients' bedsAppropriate Nursing Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Sheet waddingAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Signals, communication (beepers)Administrative ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Slippers, paperAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Slips, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Snow removalGroundsOther Purchased Services
    Soaps, dishwashingAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterCleaning Supplies
    Soaps, floor, toiletHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Soaps, laundryLaundry and Linen ServicesCleaning Supplies
    SplintsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Steam cleaner rentalHousekeeping ServiceRental or Lease—Movable Equipment
    Steam, purchasedPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Utilities
    Sterile waterCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    StethoscopesCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Minor Medical Equipment
    Strike expensesAdministrative ServicesAppropriate Natural Classification
    Suction tips, disposableCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Supplies, patient chargeableCentral Service SupplyAppropriate Natural Classification
    SuppositoriesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    SuturesCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Syringes, hypo.Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Syringes, irrigatingCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Tablets, paperAppropriate Reporting CenterOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Tape removerAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Tape, twilledLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Taxes, real estatePlant Operation and MaintenanceLicenses and Taxes (other than income tax)
    Taxes, personal propertyPlant Operation and MaintenanceLicenses and Taxes (other than income tax)
    Taxes, businessAdministrative ServicesLicenses and Taxes (other than income tax)
    Telegraph expenseAdministrative ServicesTelephone and Telegraph
    Telephone expense
    General lines serviceAdministrative ServicesTelephone and Telegraph
    Dedicated lines serviceAppropriate Reporting CenterTelephone and Telegraph
    Long Distance, patientAdministrative ServicesTelephone and Telegraph
    Long Distance, administrationAdministrative ServicesTelephone and Telegraph
    Long Distance, medical staffMedical staff serviceTelephone and Telegraph
    Taxicab chargesAppropriate Reporting CenterTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    Test TubesLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Theft of GoodsAppropriate Reporting CenterAppropriate Natural Classification
    Thermometers, mouth, bath, rectalCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Thermostat, wallPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Thread, sewingLaundry and Linen ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Throat bagsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Time cards (payroll)Fiscal ServicesOffice and Administrative Supplies
    Tips, irrigating, suction, uterine, etc.Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Tires, car, truckAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Tissue, facialAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Toilet paperHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Tongs, crucibleLaboratory ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Tongue depressorsCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Towels, bath, faceLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Towels, paperAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Traction ropeCentral Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Transportation—patientsTransportationAppropriate Natural Classification
    Transportation—staffAppropriate Reporting Center
    Travel, conventions and conferences Travel expense:Appropriate Reporting CenterTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    EducationalAppropriate Educational Reporting CenterTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    RecruitingAdministrative ServicesTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    "Community"Administrative ServicesTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    BoardAdministrative ServicesTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    Medical staffMedical Staff ServicesTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    AdministrationAdministrative ServicesTravel, Conferences and Workshops
    Tray covers, paper (patients' meals)Patient Food ServiceDietary—Other
    Trays, dressingCentral Service SupplyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Trays, serving, patients'Patient Food ServiceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Trays, deskAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Trays, stainingLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Tubes, centrifuge test, etc.Laboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Tubes, colon, connecting, duodenal, infusion, intravenous, etc.Central Service SupplyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    Tubes, specimenLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Tubing, glass, heat resistingLaboratory ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Tubing, rubberCentral Service SupplyOther Supplies and Materials
    Tuition, employee educationReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedOther Employee Benefits
    Tumblers, glass, drinkingAppropriate Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Underpads (excluding disposables)Laundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Underpads (disposables)Laundry and Linen ServicesDisposable Linen
    Uniforms (hospital furnished)
    EmployeesReporting Center to which Employee is AssignedEmployee Wearing Apparel
    VolunteerAdministrative ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    CandystriperAdministrative ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Urinals, patientAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    UrinometersLaboratory ServicesMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    UtensilsAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Utensils, stainless steel, kitchenAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Other
    Utensils, stainless steel, medicalCentral Service SupplyInstruments and Other Minor Medical Equipment
    Utensils, stainless steel, otherAppropriate Reporting CenterMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Vaporizers, medicinal (steam kettles)Central Service SupplyMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    Vases, decorativeHousekeeping ServiceOther Supplies and Materials
    Vegetable oilAppropriate Dietary Reporting CenterDietary—Food
    Venetian blind cleaningHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    Volunteer mealsAdministrative ServicesOther Direct Expenses
    Volunteer uniformsAdministrative ServicesEmployee Wearing Apparel
    Volunteer badgesAdministrative ServicesOther Supplies and Materials
    Wash ClothsLaundry and Linen ServicesLinen and Bedding
    Waste receptaclesHousekeeping ServiceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    WaterPlant Operation and MaintenanceWater and Sewer
    Water treatment compoundsPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Wax, floorHousekeeping ServiceCleaning Supplies
    Window glassPlant Operation and MaintenanceOther Supplies and Materials
    Window washing expenseHousekeeping ServiceOther Purchased Services
    (outside concerns)
    Wrappers, clothAppropriate Reporting CenterOther Supplies and Materials
    Wringers, mopHousekeeping ServiceMinor Nonmedical Equipment
    X-ray filmRadiologyOther Medical Care Materials and Supplies
    X-ray procedures, facility based physiciansRadiologyPhysicians Fees
    X-ray procedures, purchased outsideRadiologyMedical—Purchased Services