Sec. 795.8. Medical records  

Latest version.
  • The operator shall ensure that, in addition to meeting the requirements in section 751.7 of this Title:
    (a) The medical record for each patient shall contain the following information:
    (1) results of physical and risk assessments;
    (2) patient history, to include medical, surgical, gynecological and psychosocial history;
    (3) record of informed consent, including shared decision making, for midwifery birth center services;
    (4) ongoing assessments of fetal growth and development;
    (5) periodic evaluations of patient health;
    (6) results of laboratory tests;
    (7) labor and birth information;
    (8) newborn patient physical assessment, including APGAR scores, maternal-newborn interaction, ability to feed, eye prophylaxis, vital signs and accommodation to extrauterine life;
    (9) postpartum assessment;
    (10) discharge and follow-up plans;
    (11) home visit reports;
    (12) midwifery birth center follow-up visit report; and
    (13) documentation of family planning counseling and the arrangements made for family planning services, if any.
    (b) The medical record for each newborn shall be cross-referenced with the patient’s medical record and contain the following information:
    (1) copy of the newborn physical assessment;
    (2) results from newborn screening tests;
    (3) discharge summary with follow-up plans; and
    (4) home visit report.