Sec. 751.7. Medical record system  

Latest version.
  • The operator shall:
    (a) maintain a medical record system;
    (b) designate a staff member who has overall supervisory responsibility for the medical record system;
    (c) ensure that the medical record supervisor receives consultation from a qualified medical record practitioner when such supervisor is not a qualified medical record practitioner;
    (d) ensure that the medical record for each patient contains and centralizes all pertinent information which identifies the patient, justifies the treatment and documents the results of such treatment;
    (e) ensure that the following are included in the patient's record as appropriate:
    (1) patient identification information;
    (2) consent forms;
    (3) medical history;
    (4) immunization and drug history with special notation of allergic or adverse reactions to medications;
    (5) physical examination reports;
    (6) diagnostic procedures/tests reports;
    (7) consultative findings;
    (8) diagnosis or medical impression;
    (9) medical orders;
    (10) psychosocial assessment;
    (11) documentation of the services provided and referrals made;
    (12) anesthesia record;
    (13) progress note(s);
    (14) follow-up plans; and
    (15) discharge summaries, when applicable;
    (f) ensure that entries in the medical record are current, legible, signed and dated by the person making the entry;
    (g) ensure that medical, social, personal and financial information relating to each patient is kept confidential and made available only to authorized persons;
    (h) ensure that when a patient is treated by an outside health-care provider, and that treatment is relevant to the patient's care, a clinical summary or other pertinent documents are obtained to promote continuity of care. If documents cannot be obtained, the reason is noted in the medical record;
    (i) maintain medical records at the center in a safe and secure place which can be locked and which is readily accessible to staff; and
    (j) retain medical records for at least six years after the last date of service rendered to a patient or, in the case of a minor, for at least six years after the last date of service or three years after he/she reaches majority whichever time period is longer.