Sec. 754.2. Administrative requirements  

Latest version.
  • When birthing center services are provided the operator shall ensure that:
    (a) only those women for whom a prenatal and intrapartum history, physical examination and laboratory screening procedures have demonstrated the expectation of a normal, uncomplicated course of pregnancy and labor are admitted and cared for at the birth center;
    (b) written policies, procedures and standard risk assessment criteria for determining low- risk pregnancies based upon generally accepted standards of practice are developed and implemented;
    (c) written policies, procedures and protocols for the management of care are implemented in accordance with birth center philosophy;
    (d) a physician or licensed midwife reviews the content of the informed consent form with each woman, and a copy is given to the woman before signing;
    (e) there is a transfer agreement with a hospital(s) located within 20 minutes' transport time from the birth center to the transfer hospital for medical care of a woman or an infant when complications arise during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum or newborn period, written in accordance with section 400.9 of this Title;
    (f) support services such as laboratory, radiology and family planning services not provided by the birth center are available by referral;
    (g) the birth center services are available 24 hours a day for the admission of women, professional consultation and prompt response to inquiries;
    (h) kitchen facilities are available to enable families to store and prepare food brought in for the laboring family; and
    (i) the birth center takes action in accordance with the requirements of section 405.21(c)(13) of this Title with respect to a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity for a child born out of wedlock.