Sec. 65-3.5. Claim procedure  

Latest version.
  • (a) Within 10 business days after receipt of the completed application for motor vehicle no- fault benefits (NYS form NF-2) or other substantially equivalent written notice, the insurer shall forward, to the parties required to complete them, those prescribed verification forms it will require prior to payment of the initial claim.
    (b) Subsequent to the receipt of one or more of the completed verification forms, any additional verification required by the insurer to establish proof of claim shall be requested within 15 business days of receipt of the prescribed verification forms. Any requests by an insurer for additional verification need not be made on any prescribed or particular form. If a claim is received by an insurer at an address other than the proper claims processing office, the 15 business day period for requesting additional verification shall commence on the date the claim is received at the proper claims processing office. In such event, the date deemed to constitute receipt of claim at the proper claim processing office shall not exceed 10 business days after receipt at the incorrect office.
    (c) The insurer is entitled to receive all items necessary to verify the claim directly from the parties from whom such verification was requested.
    (d) If the additional verification required by the insurer is a medical examination, the insurer shall schedule the examination to be held within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the prescribed verification forms.
    (e) All examinations under oath and medical examinations requested by the insurer shall be held at a place and time reasonably convenient to the applicant and medical examinations shall be conducted in a facility properly equipped for the performance of the medical examination. The insurer shall inform the applicant at the time the examination is scheduled that the applicant will be reimbursed for any loss of earnings and reasonable transportation expenses incurred in complying with the request. When an insurer requires an examination under oath of an applicant to establish proof of claim, such requirement must be based upon the application of objective standards so that there is specific objective justification supporting the use of such examination. Insurer standards shall be available for review by department examiners.
    (f) An insurer must accept proof of claim submitted on a form other than a prescribed form if it contains substantially the same information as the prescribed form. An insurer, however, may require the submission of the prescribed application for motor vehicle no-fault benefits, the prescribed verification of treatment by attending physician or other provider of health service, and the prescribed hospital facility form.
    (g) In lieu of a prescribed application for motor vehicle no-fault benefits submitted by an applicant and a verification of hospital treatment (NYS form NF-4), an insurer shall accept a completed hospital facility form (NYS form NF-5) (or an NF-5 and uniform billing form [UBF-1] which together supply all the information requested by the NF-5) submitted by a provider of health services with respect to the claim of such provider.
    (h) When benefits are claimed under an additional personal injury protection endorsement, the insurer may require that the applicant execute a prescribed subrogation agreement (NYS form NF-11) prior to the payment of any benefits. If the insurer shall impose the above requirement, it shall deliver the prescribed agreement to the applicant as soon as it is known that the claim is payable under an additional personal injury protection endorsement.
    (i) If the insurer has knowledge that the applicant for benefits under a mandatory or additional personal injury protection endorsement is entitled to benefits under any other mandatory or optional first-party automobile or no-fault automobile insurance for the same elements of loss, the insurer should give written notice of claim to all other such sources of benefits in order to protect its right under the endorsement to recover from such other sources their proportionate share of the costs of the claim and the allocated expenses of processing the claim.
    (j) Every insurer who does not staff and maintain a claims office in this State shall establish a communications system, by means of a direct toll-free telephone line, to conveniently process all claims made pursuant to article 51 of the Insurance Law. Such toll-free number shall appear on all correspondence relating to claims.
    (k) Every insurer, which writes more than 1,000 motor vehicle liability policies in this State, shall establish procedures for the receipt of all claims, notices and verification, subject to this Part, by facsimile and/or electronic data transmittal.
    (l) The insurer shall establish standards for review of its determinations that applicants have provided late notice of claim or late proof of claim. In the case of notice of claim, such standards shall include, but not be limited to, appropriate consideration for pedestrians and nonrelated occupants of motor vehicles who may have difficulty ascertaining the identify of the insurer. In the case of proof of claim, such standards shall include, but not be limited to, appropriate consideration for emergency care providers, demonstrated difficulty in ascertaining the identity of the insurer and inadvertent submission to the incorrect insurer. The insurer shall establish procedures, based upon objective criteria, to ensure due consideration of denial of claims based upon late notice or late submission of proof of claim, including supervisory review of all such determinations. Insurer standards shall be available for review by department examiners.
    (m) The failure of an employer, or other third party, to provide information necessary to establish proof of claim for lost wages on behalf of an applicant shall not be utilized as a basis for denial of claim based upon late submission of proof of claim.
    (n) The timely submission of a proof of claim by a hospital that is based upon Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) codes which may be adjusted prospectively shall be deemed to be timely notice for the submission of a subsequent claim which is adjusted in accordance with the promulgation of DRG codes which were not implemented at the time of the original submission of claim.
    (o) An applicant from whom verification is requested shall, within 120 calendar days from the date of the initial request for verification, submit all such verification under the applicant’s control or possession or written proof providing reasonable justification for the failure to comply. The insurer shall advise the applicant in the verification request that the insurer may deny the claim if the applicant does not provide within 120 calendar days from the date of the initial request either all such verification under the applicant’s control or possession or written proof providing reasonable justification for the failure to comply. This subdivision shall not apply to a prescribed form (NF-form) as set forth in Appendix 13 of this Title, medical examination request, or examination under oath request. This subdivision shall apply, with respect to claims for medical services, to any treatment or service rendered on or after April 1, 2013 and with respect to claims for lost earnings and reasonable and necessary expenses, to any accident occurring on or after April 1, 2013.
    (p) With respect to a verification request and notice, an insurer's non-substantive technical or immaterial defect or omission, as well as an insurer's failure to comply with a prescribed time frame, shall not negate an applicant’s obligation to comply with the request or notice. This subdivision shall apply to medical services rendered, and to lost earnings and other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred, on or after April 1, 2013.