Sec. 14-10.1. Formula for maximum allowable working pressure  

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  • The maximum allowable working pressure on the shell or drum of a boiler shall be determined by the strength of the weakest course computed from the thickness of the plate, the tensile strength of the plate, the efficiency of the longitudinal joint, or of the ligament between the tube holes in shell or drum (whichever is the least), the inside diameter of the course and the factor of safety allowed by this Subpart.
    TS × t × E/R × FS = maximum allowable working pressure, pounds per square inch,
    TS = ultimate tensile strength of shell plates, pounds per square inch,
    t = thickness of shell plate, in weakest course, inch,
    E = efficiency of longitudinal joint, or of ligaments between tube holes (whichever is the least),
    R = inside radius of the weakest course of the shell or drum, inches,
    FS = factor of safety allowed by this Subpart.