Sec. 14-9.43. Stamping of high pressure boilers  

Latest version.
  • (a) The manufacturer of any complete boiler unit to be stamped with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers symbol has the responsibility of assuring through proper ASME Code certification that all work performed by it or others responsible to it complies with all requirements of the ASME Code, including design, construction, materials and workmanship. When some portions of a complete boiler unit are supplied by, or ASME Code work is performed by others not responsible to the manufacturer, the manufacturer has the duty of obtaining from these other organizations their proper ASME Code certification, covering all parts of a field-assembled boiler and of preparing the appropriate Manufacturers' Data Report Forms comprising such certification.
    (b) Each boiler, superheater and waterwall to which an ASME Code symbol is to be applied shall be fabricated by a manufacturer who is in possession of the appropriate ASME Code Symbol Stamp, and a valid Certificate of Authorization. Six ASME Code Symbol Stamps are defined as follows:
    — power boiler symbol stamp
    — miniature boiler symbol stamp
    — electric boiler symbol stamp
    — boiler assembly symbol stamp
    — pressure piping symbol stamp
    —safety valve symbol stamp
    Any manufacturer or assembler holding an official “S”, “M”, “E”, “A”, “PP”, or “V” stamp of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Certificate of Authorization shall have, and demonstrate, a quality control system to establish that all Code requirements including material, design, fabrication, examination (by the manufacturer), and inspection for boilers and boiler parts (by the authorized inspector) will be met.
    (c) The manufacturer shall stamp each boiler, superheater or waterwall, constructed in compliance with this Part in the presence of the authorized inspector, after the hydrostatic test, in the shop of the manufacturer, except that in cases where boilers, superheaters, waterwalls, or steel economizers are not completed and hydrostatically tested before shipment, proper stamping shall be applied at the shop and the data reports required by the ASME Code shall be signed by the same or different inspectors who shall indicate the portions of the inspections made by the shop and in the field. The stamping shall consist of the appropriate Code symbol which shall be put on each piece of equipment listed above in the locations specified in the ASME Code.
    (d) Each boiler shall be stamped with the appropriate American Society of Mechanical Engineers symbol and stamped in accordance with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors requirements. In addition to the symbol, the following items shall also be stamped with letters and figures at least 5/16 inch high (5/32 inch on miniature boilers if necessary), arranged as shown below:
    Items on Boilers
    (1) Manufacturer's serial number
    (2) Certified by (Name of Manufacturer)
    (3) Maximum allowable working pressure when built
    (4) Heating surface (or kilowatt power input for electric boilers)
    (5) Year built
    (6) Rated steaming capacity (required only for waste heat boilers not equipped for, direct firing)
    Items on Waterwalls and Superheaters
    (1) Manufacturer's serial number
    (2) Certified by (Name of Manufacturer)
    (3) Maximum allowable working pressure when built
    (4) Heating surface in square feet (not required for integral superheaters) (rated BTU per hour absorption for an isolated economizer)
    (5) Design temperature (required only for separately fired superheaters)
    Image 1 within 12 CRR-NY 14-9.43