Sec. 23-1.7. Protection from general hazards  

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  • (a) Overhead hazards.
    (1) Every place where persons are required to work or pass that is normally exposed to falling material or objects shall be provided with suitable overhead protection. Such overhead protection shall consist of tightly laid sound planks at least two inches thick full size, tightly laid three-quarter inch exterior grade plywood or other material of equivalent strength. Such overhead protection shall be provided with a supporting structure capable of supporting a loading of 100 pounds per square foot.
    (2) Where persons are lawfully frequenting areas exposed to falling material or objects but wherein employees are not required to work or pass, such exposed areas shall be provided with barricades, fencing or the equivalent in compliance with this Part (rule) to prevent inadvertent entry into such areas.
    (b) Falling hazards.
    (1) Hazardous openings.
    (i) Every hazardous opening into which a person may step or fall shall be guarded by a substantial cover fastened in place or by a safety railing constructed and installed in compliance with this Part (rule).
    (ii) Where free access into such an opening is required by work in progress, a barrier or safety railing constructed and installed in compliance with this Part (rule) shall guard such opening and the means of free access to the opening shall be a substantial gate. Such gate shall swing in a direction away from the opening and shall be kept latched except for entry and exit.
    (iii) Where employees are required to work close to the edge of such an opening, such employees shall be protected as follows:
    (a) Two-inch planking, full size, or material of equivalent strength installed not more than one floor or 15 feet, whichever is less, beneath the opening; or
    (b) An approved life net installed not more than five feet beneath the opening; or
    (c) An approved safety belt with attached lifeline which is properly secured to a substantial fixed anchorage.
    (2) Bridge or highway overpass construction.
    (i) Approved safety belts shall be provided for and used by persons employed at elevations greater than 30 feet above land or water during bridge or highway overpass construction or at any elevation during structural or construction work performed over highways or railroads open to public traffic.
    (ii) Scaffolds, platforms or approved life nets may be provided as alternatives to approved safety belts. When used, such alternatives shall be installed not more than five feet below the lower edge of the structural members on or above which the persons to be protected are working. Such scaffolds, platforms or life nets shall be installed and maintained at all times when persons are working except when such safety protection would interfere with the placement of structural members or assemblies, in which case approved safety belts shall be worn.
    (c) Drowning hazards.
    Where any person is exposed to the hazard of falling into water beneath his work location in which he might drown, equipment for the prompt rescue of such person from the water shall be provided. Such equipment shall consist of a manned boat of a size suitable for the existing water conditions and area. Such boat shall be equipped with oars, with United States Coast Guard approved life preservers, with a life ring fastened to a line not less than 50 feet in length and with a boat hook. Such boat shall continuously patrol the area beneath the work location at all times when any person is exposed to the falling and drowning hazard.
    (d) Slipping hazards.
    Employers shall not suffer or permit any employee to use a floor, passageway, walkway, scaffold, platform or other elevated working surface which is in a slippery condition. Ice, snow, water, grease and any other foreign substance which may cause slippery footing shall be removed, sanded or covered to provide safe footing.
    (e) Tripping and other hazards.
    (1) Passageways. All passageways shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt and debris and from any other obstructions or conditions which could cause tripping. Sharp projections which could cut or puncture any person shall be removed or covered.
    (2) Working areas. The parts of floors, platforms and similar areas where persons work or pass shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt and debris and from scattered tools and materals and from sharp projections insofar as may be consistent with the work being performed.
    (f) Vertical passage.
    Stairways, ramps or runways shall be provided as the means of access to working levels above or below ground except where the nature or the progress of the work prevents their installation in which case ladders or other safe means of access shall be provided.
    (g) Air contaminated or oxygen deficient work areas.
    The atmosphere of any unventilated confined area including but not limited to a sewer, pit, tank or chimney where dangerous air contaminants may be present or where there may not be sufficient oxygen to support life shall be tested by the employer, his authorized agent or by a designated person before any person is suffered or permitted to work in such area. Such testing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Industrial Code Part (rule) 12 relating to the “Control of Air Contaminants” and such areas shall be subject to the other pertinent provisions of Industrial Code Part (rule) 12 and of Industrial Code Part (rule) 18 relating to “Exhaust Systems”.
    (h) Corrosive substances.
    All corrosive substances and chemicals shall be so stored and used as not to endanger any person. Protective equipment for the use of such corrosive substances and chemicals shall be provided by the employer.