Part 38. Ionizing Radiation Protection  

12 CRR-NY I A 38 Notes
Sec. 38.0. Finding of fact
Sec. 38.1. Applicability
Sec. 38.2. Variations
Sec. 38.3. Definitions
Sec. 38.4. Registration and approvals
Sec. 38.5. Licensing—general requirements
Sec. 38.6. Applications for specific license
Sec. 38.7. Financial assurance for decommissioning
Sec. 38.8. General requirements for issuing specific licenses
Sec. 38.9. Duration of licenses and timeliness in decommissioning
Sec. 38.10. Renewal or amendment of specific licenses
Sec. 38.11. Amendment, suspension or revocation of licenses
Sec. 38.12. Conditions of specific licenses
Sec. 38.13. Removal of radioactive material
Sec. 38.14. Procedural provisions
Sec. 38.15. Holders of licenses or permits
Sec. 38.16. Licensees and contractors of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and United States NRC-designated contractors doing work for other United States government agencies
Sec. 38.17. Responsibility for radiation safety and radiation protection programs
Sec. 38.18. Occupational dose limits
Sec. 38.19. Radiation dose limits for individual members of the public
Sec. 38.20. Disposal of radioactive material
Sec. 38.21. Limitations on human use
Sec. 38.22. Surveys, checks and tests
Sec. 38.23. Vacating installations and property
Sec. 38.24. Personnel monitoring
Sec. 38.25. Radiation symbol, signs, labels and control devices
Sec. 38.26. Respiratory protection and controls to restrict internal exposure in restricted areas
Sec. 38.27. Notices, instructions and reports to workers
Sec. 38.28. Records
Sec. 38.29. Reports
Sec. 38.30. Inspections—tests
Sec. 38.31. Transportation
Sec. 38.32. Procedures for picking up, receiving, and opening packages
Sec. 38.33. Specific requirements for well-logging operations
Sec. 38.34. Additional requirements for industrial radiography
Sec. 38.35. Special requirements for specific licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing naturally occurring or accelerator produced radioactive material
Sec. 38.36. Specific requirements for irradiators
Sec. 38.37. [Repealed]
Sec. 38.38. [Repealed]
Sec. 38.39. [Repealed]
Sec. 38.40. Severability
Sec. 38.41. Tables and appendices
Sec. 38.42. [Repealed]