New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 12. Department of Labor |
Chapter I. Industrial Board of Appeals |
Subchapter A. The Industrial Code |
Part 43. Coin-Operated Machines |
Sec. 43.15. Dry cleaning machines—general requirements
Latest version.
- (a) Approval required.No dry cleaning machine shall be installed or reinstalled after March 1, 1966 unless it is approved, nor shall any dry cleaning machine installed or reinstalled after March 1, 1966 be exposed for operation unless it is approved.(b) Installation plans.After March 1, 1966 any installation or material change of installation of a dry cleaning machine shall be made only in accordance with plans and specifications accepted as sufficient by the commissioner. Plans and specifications shall show:(1) building address and location of the machine in the building;(2) manufacturer's name;(3) machine model designation;(4) types of solvents to be used;(5) details of proposals for compliance with this Part (rule);(6) details of proposals for compliance with relevant provisions of Industrial Code Parts 12 and 18 (Industrial Code Rules Nos. 12 and 18);(7) such further information as may be specifically required by the commissioner to determine whether the proposed installation or change may endanger the lives, health or safety of employees or other persons.(c) Service areas.(1) Service area required. A service area shall be provided for servicing and maintenance.(2) Enclosures and openings. A service area shall be separated by a solid enclosure from all areas open to customers, except where necessary for access and ventilation. Access openings shall be kept tightly closed when not in actual use and ventilation openings shall be so arranged as to prevent the intermixture of the atmospheres of the service and customer areas.(3) Ventilation. A service area shall be mechanically ventilated so as to prevent the formation of dangerous air contaminants in the work atmosphere.(4) Admission. No owner shall suffer or permit a customer or other unauthorized person to enter a service area.(5) Floors. The floor of a service area shall be impervious to the solvents used and to water. The service area floor beneath each machine or group of machines shall be curbed to a height sufficient to retain the entire volume of solvent or solution in the machine or group of machines within the service area. Each curbed area shall be provided with adequate means for drainage which will prevent flow into the customer area. Machines equipped with catch basins may warrant variation from this curbing requirement upon application to the board.(6) Flames, etc. Flames and surfaces hotter than 750 degrees Fahrenheit are prohibited in a service area unless sealed from all contact with the atmosphere therein.(d) Containment of air contaminants.A dry cleaning machine shall be so constructed and shall operate in such a manner that no dangerous air contaminants resulting from its operation are released into any occupied area.(e) Loading doors.Loading doors shall be so interlocked and arranged that the machine cannot operate unless the door is firmly closed and so that the door cannot be released by the user until the operating cycle has been completed. Such doors shall be airtight when closed.(f) Drying.The drying part of the operating cycle shall continue for such time and under such conditions that solvent and solvent vapors are removed from the cleaned materials to the extent that no dangerous air contaminants are caused in the atmosphere of the customer area by or upon removal of the materials.(g) Gas heated appliances.Gas heated appliances in a room where a dry cleaning machine is located shall be properly vented to outdoors by pipes or ducts of rigid and corrosion-resistant material.(h) Spotting solvents.Spotting solvents other than aqueous solutions shall not be used or provided in an area where a dry cleaning machine is located.