Sec. 43.4. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • (a) Air contaminants.
    Airborne substances, such as dusts, fibers, fumes, gases, mists, vapors and other impurities.
    (b) Approved.
    In respect to a device or material: in compliance with a subsisting resolution of approval adopted by the board; in respect to action by the board: made the subject of a resolution of approval.
    (c) Board.
    The Board of Standards and Appeals of the State of New York.
    (d) Coin.
    (1) A piece of metal issued and authorized by the United States for use as money.
    (2) A piece of material so designed and constructed that when inserted into a receptacle it actuates a coin-operated machine or makes it available for actuation.
    (e) Coin-operated machine.
    A machine designed and constructed to perform or to be used to perform a manufacturing process when actuated or made available for actuation by the insertion into a receptacle of a coin or combination of coins. The term includes all parts, components and accessories of the machine.
    (f) Commissioner.
    The Industrial Commissioner of the State of New York.
    (g) Customer.
    A person making normal use of a machine; a customer of the establishment or place where a machine is installed.
    (h) Dangerous air contaminants.
    Air contaminants in quantities tending to injure health, or creating a fire or explosion hazard, or existing in quantities greater than 25 percent of the lower explosive level of any mixture or compound which they may form.
    (i) Dry cleaning machine.
    A machine which performs or may be used to perform a process for cleaning materials by the use of solvents or substances other than water or water-soluble substances.
    (j) Machine.
    A coin-operated machine.
    (k) Manufacturing process.
    A process whereby any article or thing is made, altered, repaired, finished, bottled, canned, cleaned, laundered, pressed or dried, in whole or in part.
    (l) Normal operation.
    Operation for performance of a manufacturing process.
    (m) Owner.
    Of a machine: any person having the right to possess it.
    (n) Work atmosphere.
    The atmosphere to which an employee is exposed in the course of performing his work.