Sec. 8-1.51. [General.]

Latest version.
  • In factory buildings erected before October 1, 1913; in mercantile establishments in buildings erected before November 1, 1920.
    (a) Floor openings for hoistways used for raising or lowering freight by means of a sling or hook shall be enclosed on all sides by a standard railing with toe-board or vertical enclosure not less than 42 inches high, set not to exceed 12 inches from the hoistway line. (For specifications of standard railings, see § 8-1.54.)
    (b) Where trap doors are used, they shall be capable of sustaining a load of not less than 50 pounds per square foot when closed, and so arranged to be opened and closed without entering enclosures.
    (c) Existing installations.
    (1) In existing installations where it is necessary to maintain a passageway under a hoist, in a stairway, hallway or exit, there shall be provided at the lowest terminal, a substantial floor or bulkhead capable of sustaining a load of not less than 100 pounds per square foot, and so located to provide head room of not less than six feet, six inches from the floor to the passageway, or other suitable device approved by the Industrial Commissioner.
    (2) That portion of the passageway directly under a hoist not located in a stairway, hallway or exit, shall be enclosed on all sides by a standard railing when hoist is in use.
    (d) Future installations.
    In future installations no hoist shall be permitted to descend into a hallway, stairway or exit.
    In factory buildings erected after October 1, 1913; in mercantile establishments in buildings erected after November 1, 1920.
    (e) Hoistways used for raising or lowering freight by means of a sling or hook shall be enclosed throughout their height in fireproof partitions conforming to the specifications of section 8-1.61.
    (f) All hoistway openings shall be protected by fire doors.
    (g) The hoistway doors shall be self-closing or manually operated. All such doors shall be kept closed and locked except while used for loading or unloading.
    (h) There shall be posted or painted on each hoistway door a capacity sign with letters and figures not less than one-half inch high, thus: “Capacity. . . lbs”.