Sec. 8-2.18. Fire doors

Latest version.
  • In factory buildings erected after October 1, 1913; in mercantile establishments in buildings erected after November 1, 1920.
    Fire doors are doors of any of the following materials and form of construction:
    (a) Tin clad.
    Three thicknesses of one-quarter inch dressed, tongued and grooved white pine or other non-resinous wood board not more than eight inches wide, securely clinched with wrought iron nails, and covered with 14 inches by 20 inches sheets of terne plate, of at least 1C quality, joints locked full one-half inch and nailed under seams with at least 12 ½ inch gauge flat head, full barbed wire nails, two inches long.
    (b) Plate iron.
    Wrought iron or steel plates at least three-sixteenths inch thick, having two inch by two inch by three-eighths angle iron stiles and rails, center rails and center stiles on one face or three inch by one-quarter inch flat bar stiles and rails on both faces; no unstiffened panel shall be more than nine square feet in area; all parts shall be securely riveted with three-eighths inch iron rivets.
    (c) Composite.
    A skeleton framework of at least one and one-half inch by one-quarter inch channels, angles or T's, covered on both sides with at least one-eighth inch wrought iron or steel plates, filled solid with mineral fibre, asbestos, gypsum or other incombustible material.
    (d) Or, any form of door construction that shall have successfully passed a standard one hour fire and water test.
    (e) The name of the manufacturer shall be placed on every fire door in such manner as to be easily seen when door is in place.
    (f) All fire doors shall be self-closing and shall be provided with approved incombustible sills, frames and hardware, or, in lieu of frames, shall lap the sides and top of openings at least four inches. Sliding doors shall lap the sides and top of openings at least four inches.
    To permit the operation of the pull rope from the floor landing, one fire door may be held open by a fusible link at any floor selected by the owner, when such pull rope and the brake line are located inside of the hoistway. Such hoistway opening shall be provided with an auxiliary gate, self-closing, not less than 42 inches in height, constructed in with section 8-2.17 and may be full automatic when installed at either of the terminal landings.