Sec. 502.1. Background, intent and legal base  

Latest version.
  • (a) Mentally disabled individuals are provided care and treatment through a variety of multifaceted programs, services and facilities which are certified, operated and/or supervised by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH).
    (b) Certain standards have been established by OMH which govern the certification, organization and administration of such programs, services and facilities.
    (c) The Executive Law, section 102, requires that any code, rule or regulation which incorporates by reference any Federal statute, code, rule or regulation previously published in the Code of Federal Regulations or Federal Register, or any previously published data, criteria, standards, specifications, techniques, illustrations or other information, shall set forth in the text thereof precise identification of such materials.
    (d) These regulations are intended to provide the public with specific identification of materials incorporated by reference in regulations set forth in Title 14 NYCRR applicable to services, programs and facilities which are certified, operated and/or supervised by OMH.
    (e) Section 7.09 of the Mental Hygiene Law grants the Commissioner of Mental Health the authority to adopt regulations that are necessary and proper to implement any matter under his or her jurisdiction.