Sec. 584.14. Treatment team  

Latest version.
  • (a) Treatment shall be the responsibility of an interdisciplinary treatment team. A treatment team shall be responsible for developing and implementing a treatment plan for each resident as required by section 584.15 of this Part.
    (b) In order to address all aspects of the resident's needs, a treatment team shall be established for each resident and shall be comprised of the resident, clinical staff who are involved in the treatment of the individual resident on a regular basis, and where appropriate, of the family or legal guardian.
    (1) The treatment team shall include youth, family or legal guardian and all staff having significant participation in the treatment of the resident. The team shall, at a minimum, include a psychiatrist, at least one member of the clinical staff who is assigned to the living unit on a daily basis, and at least one member of the professional staff responsible for providing each of the following services to the resident:
    (i) verbal therapies;
    (ii) therapeutic recreation services; and
    (iii) education and vocational services.
    (2) One member of the treatment team must be designated as case coordinator for the resident.
    (c) The residential treatment facility must develop written policies and procedures for the operation of its treatment teams which shall be subject to approval by the Office of Mental Health. At a minimum, the policies and procedures must address the following:
    (1) the composition of treatment teams;
    (2) the criteria for changing treatment team members;
    (3) the representation required for the development of initial and comprehensive treatment plans and for treatment plan reviews;
    (4) the responsibilities of the case coordinator;
    (5) the manner in which the treatment team will coordinate with the appropriate committee on special education; and
    (6) the manner in which the treatment team will involve the family or legal guardian in the treatment process.