Sec. 588.1. Background and intent  

Latest version.
  • (a) This Part establishes standards for reimbursement under the medical assistance program of outpatient programs for adults with a diagnosis of mental illness and children with a diagnosis of emotional disturbance certified by the Office of Mental Health.
    (b) Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act, as identified in section 502.2(c) of such Title, authorizes Federal grants to states to fund medical assistance to needy persons in accordance with a State plan approved by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
    (c) The medical assistance program in New York State is administered by the Department of Health by and through local social service districts in cooperation with various State agencies, including the Office of Mental Health, or by the Department of Health by and through various State agencies, including the Office of Mental Health.
    (d) The purpose of these regulations is to specify the fees or rates of reimbursement and any additional eligibility criteria or limits which will apply to Medicaid-enrolled recipients in outpatient programs.