New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 14. Department of Mental Hygiene |
Chapter XIII. Office of Mental Health |
Part 594. Operation of Licensed Housing Programs for Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbances |
Sec. 594.10. Service planning
Latest version.
- (a) Services provided within a teaching family home or community residence, including a CREDIT program, shall be provided in accordance with a service plan developed within four weeks of admission to the program. In the case of a community residence that is a CREDIT program or a crisis residence, the initial service plan must be developed within three days of admission. At the time of admission, an admission note must be prepared and signed by a qualified mental health staff person which, at a minimum, indicates a description of the strengths and needs of the youth, as well as a brief description of the services necessary to meet these needs during the initial period after admission.(b) Such plan shall be developed by the staff of the program, resident and family and/or any collateral identified for participation in planning, as appropriate, including the parents or guardian of minor residents. The service plan must be reviewed and signed by a qualified mental health staff person. The service plan must be a mutually agreed upon course of action which, at a minimum, identifies the following:(1) the youth's personal statement of his/her goals;(2) identification of the youth’s collaterals;(3) statement of the youth’s needs and strengths and a description of the skills needed to return home or to the community;(4) statement of service goals and objectives;(5) identification of the services and supports to be provided;(6) proposed time periods; and(7) strategies to coordinate services with other providers.(c) Progress notes shall be recorded by authorized program staff members.Such notes shall be prepared at least monthly for all programs other than crisis residence and CREDIT programs, and shall indicate the type of services which have been provided, any significant events which have occurred, progress towards achieving goals of the service plan and, if appropriate, any recommendations for changes to the goals and objectives of the service plan. For teaching family programs, these notes must be based upon daily logs maintained by teaching parents which are reviewed weekly by program staff. For the crisis residence and CREDIT programs, progress notes shall be completed weekly.(d) The individualized service plan shall be reviewed at least every three months for all programs other than the crisis residence and CREDIT programs with the initial review occurring three months from the date of admission. For crisis residence and CREDIT programs, the service plan must be reviewed weekly. For all programs, review shall include participation of staff involved in the provision of services to the resident, the resident and/or, if appropriate, the resident's family or other collateral. Such review shall include the following:(1) assessment of the progress of the resident in regard to mutually agreed upon goals and objectives in the service plan;(2) recommendations for adjustment of goals and objectives, time periods for achievement, intervention strategies or the initiation of the discharge process; and(3) review of the service plan and signed approval by a qualified mental health staff person.(e) In addition, programs other than crisis residences licensed under this Part must comply with the provisions of section 593.6 of this Title, except that CREDIT programs shall not be required to comply with the provisions of section 593.6(b) through (g) of this Title.(f) Services provided within a crisis residence program or CREDIT program shall be provided in accordance with a service plan developed within three days of admission to the program. At the time of admission, an admission note must be prepared indicating source of referral, rationale for admission, presenting problem and initial treatment needs of the resident.(1) Progress notes which relate to the goals and objectives of the service plan shall be signed by the staff member who provided the service or by one participating staff member when several staff members have had a significant interaction with the resident. Progress notes shall be written at least weekly.(2) Service plan reviews for crisis residence programs shall be scheduled at least weekly.(3) Information necessary to complete and/or update the case record and service plan may be obtained from program staff, the youth and his/her family, referral source staff, and/or with the parent or custodian's consent, outside medical and psychiatric staff including the resident's most recent mental health service provider. Information from outside sources must be secured within three working days of the resident's admission and must have been obtained within the previous three months. If outside information is not available, crisis residence staff must conduct and/or arrange to have conducted the required assessments.