Sec. 604.1. Background and intent  

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  • (a) Pursuant to chapter 652 of the Laws of 1983, the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as OPWDD), intends that this Part and its attendant procedures shall have as its ultimate goal the furtherance of the fundamental constitutional right to personal privacy.
    (b) OPWDD acknowledges that it maintains data banks and information systems which contain information of the most personal and potentially sensitive nature regarding the persons to whom it provides services.
    (c) The existence of such data banks and information systems and the increasingly sophisticated technology that makes them possible imposes upon OPWDD the obligation to establish appropriate procedures to ensure that personal rights to privacy are not abridged.
    (d) Thus, the specific purpose of this Part is to set forth the methods and procedures governing the availability, location and nature of those records maintained by OPWDD subject to the provisions of article 6-A of the Public Officers Law, known as the Personal Privacy Protection Law, and the rules of the Committee on Open Government.