Sec. 703.5. Record requests  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Justice Center shall receive, process and respond to requests for access to facility or provider agency records in accordance with this Part.
    (b) All requests to inspect or copy records shall be made in writing and shall reasonably describe the records to which access is being sought. Such requests shall be directed to the Justice Center records access officer at the address indicated on the Justice Center website.
    (c) All requests for facility or provider agency records shall include the following information:
    (1) the name, mailing address, phone number and electronic mail address, if any, of the requester;
    (2) the name and address or other identifying information of the facility or provider agency from which the records are sought; and
    (3) a description of the nature and content of the record sought to be disclosed sufficient to enable the facility or provider agency and the Justice Center to identify responsive records.