Sec. 139.3. Two or more meters-in specified metropolitan area  

Latest version.
  • Within the city of New York, within that part of Westchester County comprising that franchised territory of the Westchester Lighting Company and of the Yonkers Electric Light and Power Company, and within that part of Nassau County comprising the franchised territory of the Queens Borough Gas and Electric Company, under any of the following conditions or circumstances, the reading of two or more meters measuring the service of a single customer at a single location may be combined and the customer billed for such total use, computed as if all service had been rendered through a single meter, provided the filed rate schedule of the utility provides for such service:
    (a) when the use of more than one meter is necessary to provide safe service;
    (b) where the use of more than one meter is required by a municipal ordinance;
    (c) when a single meter cannot correctly measure the total service rendered;
    (d) when the characteristics of service of a customer were such that at the time his service connections were installed there was no single meter commercially available to correctly measure such service and multiple meters have been continued in use;
    (e) when service is measured through two or more meters and the occupancy by the present customer is temporary;
    (f) when two or more service connections are necessary to provide service at the least expense to the utility;
    (g) when in order to render proper and reliable service without undue interruptions more than one service connection is necessary and a meter or meters are connected with each service connection; or
    (h) when service of different characteristics is supplied and there is no meter commercially available to correctly measure such combined service.