Part 197. Instructions  

16 CRR-NY II F 3 197 Notes
Sec. 197.1. Balance sheet accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.2. Clearing accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.3. Contingent assets and liabilities
Sec. 197.4. Current assets
Sec. 197.5. Current liabilities
Sec. 197.6. Delayed items
Sec. 197.7. Depreciation accounting
Sec. 197.8. Discount or premium on owned securities of others
Sec. 197.9. Discount or premium and expense on long term debt
Sec. 197.10. Distribution of pay and expenses of employees
Sec. 197.11. Employer pensions and benefits
Sec. 197.12. Income accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.13. Insurance
Sec. 197.14. Item lists, interpretation of
Sec. 197.15. Jobbing work
Sec. 197.16. Joint expenses
Sec. 197.17. Leased property, expenditures on
Sec. 197.18. Merchandising and jobbing
Sec. 197.19. Operating expense accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.20. Operating property accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.21. Operating property accounts, basis of charges to
Sec. 197.22. Operating property—continuing property record required (Class A and Class B utilities only)
Sec. 197.23. Operating property retired
Sec. 197.24. Operating revenue accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.25. Operating revenue accounts, basis of entries
Sec. 197.26. Production expenses—steam, allocation of
Sec. 197.27. Property purchased
Sec. 197.28. Rents
Sec. 197.29. Repairs, cost of
Sec. 197.30. Separate records for each plant
Sec. 197.31. Spreading of income, revenue, and expense items
Sec. 197.32. Surplus accounts, purpose of
Sec. 197.33. Transactions with the municipality
Sec. 197.34. Transfers of property between departments
Sec. 197.35. Transmission and distribution systems
Sec. 197.36. Unaudited items
Sec. 197.37. Units of property
Sec. 197.38. Work order system required (Class A and Class B utilities only)