Design of Pipeline Components  

Sec. 255.141. Scope
Sec. 255.143. General requirements
Sec. 255.144. Qualifying metallic components
Sec. 255.145. Valves
Sec. 255.147. Flanges and flange accessories
Sec. 255.149. Standard fittings
Sec. 255.150. Passage of internal inspection devices
Sec. 255.151. Tapping
Sec. 255.153. Components fabricated by welding
Sec. 255.155. Welded branch connections
Sec. 255.157. Extruded outlets
Sec. 255.159. Flexibility
Sec. 255.161. Supports and anchors
Sec. 255.163. Compressor stations: design and construction
Sec. 255.165. Compressor stations: liquid removal
Sec. 255.167. Compressor stations: emergency shutdown
Sec. 255.169. Compressor stations: pressure limiting devices
Sec. 255.171. Compressor stations: additional safety equipment
Sec. 255.173. Compressor stations: ventilation
Sec. 255.179. Valves on pipelines to operate at 125 psig (862 kPa) or more
Sec. 255.181. Distribution line valves
Sec. 255.183. Vaults: structural design requirements
Sec. 255.185. Vaults: accessibility
Sec. 255.187. Vaults: sealing, venting and ventilation
Sec. 255.189. Vaults: drainage and waterproofing
Sec. 255.190. Calorimeter or calorimixer structures
Sec. 255.191. Design pressure of plastic fittings
Sec. 255.193. Valve installation in plastic pipe