Sec. 420.13. Logging and analysis of steam emergency reports  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each steam corporation shall record each report of a steam leak or emergency received on a suitably numbered service record.
    (b) A daily log shall be kept and maintained on file recording the receipt and handling of each such report and shall contain the following information:
    (1) cross reference to the related service record number;
    (2) location of leak or emergency;
    (3) time report first received;
    (4) description as to type of leak or emergency;
    (5) time personnel first dispatched to location;
    (6) time of arrival of personnel at location; and
    (7) times of dispatch and arrival of any additional personnel called to the location.
    (c) Each steam corporation shall submit to the Albany office of the Gas Division of the New York State Department of Public Service, on or before the 15th day of each calendar month, a summary analysis of its performance in responding to reports of steam leaks and emergencies, as reflected in the daily log entries for the preceding calendar month. The analysis shall be furnished in a format identical to subdivision (d) of this section and shall be signed by a responsible official.
    Steam Corporation
    Month ____, 19__
    Emergency Calls
    Weekdays during normal business hoursWeekdays after normal business hoursSaturday, Sunday & HolidaysTotal
    Response Time* (minutes)No. of CallsPercentage of CallsNo. of CallsPercentage of CallsNo. of CallsPercentage of CallsNo. of CallsPercentage of Calls
    More than
    60 min.
    Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
    * Total elapsed time from receipt of report to time of arrival.
    Signature of Steam Corporation Officer