Sec. 651.6. Microform, tape and computer output certification  

Latest version.
  • (a) As the initial recording media:
    (1) Except as provided for in paragraph (2) of this subdivision each microform record series shall contain, at the beginning, a microform introduction stating the title of the record series, the date prepared, the name of the official responsible for validating the data contained therein. Each microform record series shall be closed with a clear and standard microform notation indicating the completion of the series and the date.
    (2) If an official permanent record series is a computer output product ( i.e., output paper or microfilm, jacket microfiche or aperture cards), any certification that may otherwise be required under paragraph(1) of this subdivision is not required if:
    (i) the series is prepared in accordance with written standard procedures developed or accepted general business practices followed by the company that ensure the integrity of record series that are the product of computer output; and
    (ii) such procedures or practices include the name or title of the official responsible for validating or confirming the data contained in the record series and confirming that a particular computer output record series was produced in accordance with the standard procedures or practices.
    (3) If after validation, supplemental data and/or corrections (i.e., resulting from computer programming) are required, said microform may be produced separately or as a part of the series rerun, but shall be affixed to the original microform certificate as described in paragraph (1) of this subdivision.
    (4) Each tape record series shall be externally labeled and shall include, as a basic part of the program, at the beginning of that series an introduction stating the record series title, date prepared, the name of the official responsible for validating or confirming the data contained therein and an index where appropriate. Each record series shall be closed with a clear and standard notation indicating the completion of that series and the date.
    (b) Conversion from other media:
    (1) Each microform record series shall include, as an integral part, a certificate(s) stating that the microform are direct and facsimile reproductions of the original records and that they have been made in accordance with prescribed instructions. Such certificate(s) shall be executed by a person(s) having personal knowledge of the facts covered thereby.
    (2) Each microform record series shall commence and end with a statement as to the nature and arrangement of the records reproduced, and the date. Rolls of film shall not be cut, except to produce jacketed microfiche. Supplemental or retaken film, whether of misplaced or omitted documents or of portions of microform found to be defective, shall be attached to the beginning of the microform record series. However, if a retrieval system using such methods as, for example, image count indexing or “blipping” is used, the supplemental or retaken film may be attached at the end of the series, if provisions at the beginning of the series advise the viewer of the location of the problem frames and the location of the supplemental or retaken frames. If supplemental or retaken film of misplaced or omitted documents, or of portions of microform found to be defective, are attached to the microform record series, the certificate described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall cover the supplemental or retaken film and shall state the reasons for the attachment.
    (3) If, in accordance with the provisions of section 651.7 of this Part, the telephone utility elects to convert records to the tape media, the same certification provision specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section must be provided in the conversion program.