Sec. 720-5.3. Adoption by successor  

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  • (a) Upon the change of name or upon transfer of franchise or other operating rights from one public utility to another, the successor shall immediately file a notice adopting the publications issued under this Part and in effect (as described in section 720-5.6 of this Subpart) or issue new publications.
    (b) A consecutively numbered supplement (which may be made effective as of the date filed with the commission) shall be issued to each schedule then in effect by the successor public utility substantially as follows:
    “Supplement No.____ to P.S.C. No. ____ (Electricity, Gas, Steam, Water or Telephone), filed by (name of predecessor public utility).
    The (name of public utility) hereby adopts, ratifies, and in every respect makes its own as if the same had been originally filed by it, P.S.C. No.____ (Electricity, Gas, Steam, Water, or Telephone), filed with the Public Service Commission, State of New York, by (name of predecessor public utility).”
    (c) Every adopted schedule shall be reissued by the successor public utility under the proper P.S.C. number in its series within one year after the date of adoption.
    (d) Every adopted contract shall be renumbered by the successor public utility in its series within 30 days after the date of adoption and the commission shall be notified.
    (e) When a waterworks corporation is being discontinued and the territory is to be transferred to a water district, a supplement (which may be effective as of the date filed with the commission) shall be filed by the public utility bearing a notice substantially as follows:
    “The rules, rates, and regulations contained in this schedule are hereby canceled.
    The works and system of the (name of company) were transferred on (date) to Water District No.
    of the Town of _________ in accordance with permission granted by the Public Service Commission in Case ______.”