Part 182. General Provisions  

17 CRR-NY IV E 182 Notes
Sec. 182.1. Advertising and signs
Sec. 182.2. Bathing and swimming
Sec. 182.3. Boating
Sec. 182.4. Camping
Sec. 182.5. Construction work
Sec. 182.6. Damaging of trees, shrubs, plants, etc
Sec. 182.7. Defacement of parkway property
Sec. 182.8. Drains and sewers
Sec. 182.9. Explosives, fireworks
Sec. 182.10. Firearms
Sec. 182.11. Fires
Sec. 182.12. Fishing
Sec. 182.13. Hitchhiking
Sec. 182.14. Horses
Sec. 182.15. Hunting and trapping
Sec. 182.16. Littering
Sec. 182.17. Obedience to parkway police officer or authority employee
Sec. 182.18. Peddling, sales, etc
Sec. 182.19. Photography
Sec. 182.20. Picnicking
Sec. 182.21. Processions, parades
Sec. 182.22. Sledding, skating, skiing
Sec. 182.23. Driving off pavement
Sec. 182.24. Insignia and signs on vehicles
Sec. 182.25. Median strip and crossovers
Sec. 182.26. [Repealed]
Sec. 182.27. Parking, standing or stopping
Sec. 182.28. Pedestrians
Sec. 182.29. Projecting objects
Sec. 182.30. Restricted parkway
Sec. 182.31. Restricted vehicles
Sec. 182.32. Soliciting passengers
Sec. 182.33. Speed contests and races
Sec. 182.34. Speed limits
Sec. 182.35. Snowmobiles
Sec. 182.36. Stop intersections
Sec. 182.37. Towing
Sec. 182.38. Traffic direction
Sec. 182.39. Turns
Sec. 182.40. U-turns
Sec. 182.41. Yield intersections
Sec. 182.42. Use of parkway lands
Sec. 182.43. Damage to parkway property
Sec. 182.44. Right turn on red signal