New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 17. Department of Transportation |
Chapter VI. Transportation Regulations |
Subchapter A. General Regulations Affecting Carriers by Motor Vehicle |
Part 503. Proceedings |
Sec. 503.1. Proceedings without hearings
Latest version.
- (a) In all proceedings where no hearing has been directed, a decision in the proceeding may be made on the basis of the submitted documents, protests, affidavits or sworn statements and matters of which official notice may be taken and records of the department. The presiding officer will advise the parties as to the dates when such statements are to be submitted and the form and content of such statements.(b) The presiding officer shall require that applicant serve on all other parties and the department all required affidavits, documents, statements and matters of which official notice may be taken no later than 90 days after publication of the application.(c) All other parties may serve an applicant and the other parties and the department answering affidavits, documents, statements and matters as to which official notice may be taken 20 days after such service by applicant.(d) No papers will be accepted or considered for any purpose, if submitted after the times above specified unless an extension of time is granted by the presiding officer for good cause shown.(e) The presiding officer, upon such officer's own motion, or upon request of a party and for good cause shown, may permit or require additional submissions. Failure to file requested documentation may be grounds for denying the application or dismissing the protest.