Sec. 729.5. Training  

Latest version.
  • (a) The commission will provide training to blind persons who qualify for licenses under section 729.3(a) of this Part and meet the requirements set forth in subdivision (b) of this section.
    (b) Blind persons seeking referral to vending facility or food service management training must first demonstrate to the commission that they have:
    (1) the ability to travel independently;
    (2) achieved independence in activities of daily living including, but not limited to, personal hygiene, clothing management, and financial management;
    (3) the ability to communicate effectively, including both oral and written skills;
    (4) the ability to stand, stoop, kneel, lift, and carry, or use alternative methods or skills to accomplish these same activities;
    (5) the ability to differentiate coins;
    (6) the ability to use functional mathematical skills including, but not limited to, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; and
    (7) good interpersonal skills.
    (c) The commission will issue licenses to blind persons who have successfully completed approved training, and otherwise meet the criteria to be granted a license.
    (d) To the extent that funds are available, programs for upward mobility training, including further education and additional training or retraining for improved work opportunities, will be available to all licensees.
    (e) Food service management training may be provided to a licensed newsstand manager who:
    (1) requests such training; and
    (2) is in good standing in the Business Enterprise Program.
    (f) Upon completion of upward mobility or food service management training, a licensee must be reinstated to the position that he or she held prior to the beginning of training, provided that the licensee remains in good standing. The commission may offer a food service management position to a licensee who has successfully completed food service management training if such a position is open, subject to the selection procedures set forth at section 729.17 of this Part.
    (g) The commission will provide post-employment services to all licensees as deemed necessary by the commission to assure continued successful operation of vending facilities.