Sec. 163.22. Request for approval of distance learning programs  

Latest version.
  • Applications for approval to conduct courses of study to satisfy the requirements for nail specialist trainees by distance learning shall be made at least 60 days before the proposed course is to be conducted. The application shall include the following:
    (a) name and business address of the entity which will present the course;
    (b) if the applicant is a partnership, the names and home addresses of the partners in the entity; if a corporation, the names and home addresses of any persons who own five percent or more of the stock of the entity;
    (c) the name, home and business address and telephone number of the education coordinator that will be responsible for implementing the program in accordance with the regulations contained in this Part;
    (d) locations where the final examination will be conducted;
    (e) title of each course to be conducted;
    (f) final examination(s), including make-up examination(s) to be presented for each course, including the answer key and all reference sources used to support each correct answer;
    (g) a course cancellation and tuition refund policy;
    (h) the books that will be used for the outline and the final exams;
    (i) an explanation of the means for monitoring and verifying each student’s active participation, on an ongoing basis, during each module of instruction;
    (j) a brief description of the hardware and software to be used by the student;
    (k) a plan for providing technical support to the student;
    (l) a detailed course outline divided into major units; the contents of major units must be divided into modules of instruction; and
    (m) such other information as directed by the department.