Sec. 176.11. Faculty  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each instructor, as certified by the Department of State, for an approved real estate course of study, shall submit a resume to the department and meet the following criteria, and shall achieve at least 100 points based on the following scale which includes real estate brokerage/ specialty experience, instructional experience and academic achievement.
    (b) In order to receive approval as an instructor, an individual must achieve 100 points in the system employed below:
    1. Section One
    A maximum of 50 points can be claimed in this section.
    (a) Licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson
    Each year of experience =10 points
    (b) Work experience in a specialized field directly related to real estate
    Each year of experience = 10 points
    (c) Attorney, admitted to New York State Bar
    Each year of experience = 10 points
    2. Section Two
    A maximum of 50 points can be claimed in this section.
    Experience as an instructor = 10 points for each year
    3. Section Three
    A maximum of 30 points can be claimed in this section.
    Formal academic achievement in a specialized subject matter directly
    related to real estate (five points for each 30 hour course successfully completed)
    4. Section Four
    Fifty points can be claimed in this section.
    Formal training in the
    techniques of organizing and presenting instructional material
    5. Section Five
    Only one selection may be made in this section.
    The holder of one of the following:
    AAS Degree20 points
    B.A. or B.S. Degree30 points
    M.A. or L.L.D. or JD Degree40 points
    B.A., B.S. or M.A. with a Major in Real Estate50 points
    (c) An approved entity, which engages presenters to conduct classes identified as technical subjects, are exempt from the provisions of this section except that an approved entity must make application to the Department of State accompanied by a resume indicating at least three years of experience in the specified technical area.
    (d) All points claimed are subject to verification within two years of application.
    (e) Any applicant who fails to provide evidence of claimed points may be subjected to disciplinary action.