Sec. 900-10.2. Pre-construction compliance filings  

Latest version.
  • (a) Copies of all Federal and federally-delegated permits and approvals required for construction and operation of the facility.
    (b) Final decommissioning.
    (1) Final decommissioning and site restoration plan, including a decommissioning and site restoration estimate (for site restoration and decommissioning of all proposed facility components removed four feet below grade in agricultural land and three feet below grade in non-agricultural land and removal and restoration of access road locations, where appropriate) and proof that the letter(s) of credit (or other financial assurance approved by the ORES) have been obtained in the decommissioning and site restoration estimate amount, as calculated pursuant to section 900-6.6(b) of this Part.
    (2) Letter(s) of credit (or other financial assurance approved by the ORES) and copies of agreements between the permittee and the towns, cities, and villages, establishing a right for each municipality to draw on the letters of credit dedicated to its portion of the facility shall be provided to the Office of Renewable Energy Siting after one year of facility operation and updated every fifth year thereafter specifying changes (due to inflation or other cost increases) to the structure of the letters of credit (or other financial assurance approved by the ORES).
    (c) Plans, profiles, and detail drawings.
    (1) A statement shall be provided indicating that a professional engineer has reviewed facility details and attests to the accuracy of the final design as reflected in revised and initially filed (unaffected material) maps, site plans, profile figures, and environmental controls and construction details in accordance with sections 900-2.6 and 900-2.17 of this Part.
    (2) Foundation drawings, including plan and sections details, to be used for wind turbines or solar facility installations; if multiple foundation designs are to be utilized for the facility, the foundation type at each location will be specified on foundation plans (listed in a table or indicated on corresponding site plans). Applicable criteria regarding foundation design and installation shall be listed and described in the drawings. Foundation drawings shall be stamped and signed by a professional engineer, licensed and registered in New York State.
    (3) Copies of any agreements entered with the owners/operators of existing high-pressure gas pipelines regarding the protection of those facilities.
    (d) Wind turbine certifications.
    (1) A design verification, confirming that the wind turbines were designed in accordance with international electrotechnical commission (IEC) 61400-1:2019 (see section 900-15.1[b][1][i] of this Part).
    (e) Construction management.
    (1) A quality assurance and control plan, which shall include job titles and qualifications necessary, demonstrating how the permittee will monitor and assure conformance of facility design, engineering and installation, including general concrete testing procedures with a plan outlining the monitoring and testing of concrete procedures in conformance with and reference to all applicable codes and standards.
    (2) A construction operations plan, which shall indicate all material lay-down areas, construction preparation areas, temporary concrete batch location, major excavation and soil storage areas, and construction equipment.
    (3) A facility maintenance and management plan, which shall include plans, procedures and criteria specifically addressing the following topics:
    (i) inspections, maintenance, and repairs of turbines, solar panels, inverters, and associated equipment, including conformance with manufacturer’s required maintenance schedules, safety inspections, and tower integrity; and
    (ii) electric collection, transmission, and interconnect line inspections, maintenance, and repairs.
    (4) A vegetation management plan, which shall include, at a minimum, the following:
    (i) vegetation management practices for switchyard and substation yards and for transmission and interconnection facilities, including danger trees (trees that due to location and condition are a particular threat to fall on and damage electrical equipment) around transmission and interconnection facilities, specifications for clearances, inspection and treatment schedules, and environmental controls to avoid off-site effects;
    (ii) vegetation management recommendations, based on on-site surveys of vegetation cover types and growth habits of undesirable vegetation species;
    (iii) planting of native vegetation, based on on-site surveys of vegetation cover types and growth habits of undesirable vegetation species;
    (iv) restoration of disturbed areas, ruts, and rills to original grades and conditions with permanent re-vegetation and erosion controls appropriate for those locations;
    (v) all proposed chemical and mechanical techniques for managing undesirable vegetation. Herbicide use and limitations, specifications, and control measures shall be included;
    (vi) substation fence-line clearances, and overhead wire security clearance zone specifications, indicating applicable safety, reliability and operational criteria;
    (vii) inspection and target treatment schedules and exceptions;
    (viii) standards and practices for inspection of facilities easements for erosion hazard, failure of drainage facilities, hazardous conditions after storm events or other incidents;
    (ix) review and response procedures to avoid conflicts with future use encroachment or infrastructure development; and
    (x) host landowner notification procedures.
    (5) Facility communications plan, which shall include the permittee’s construction organizational structure, contact list, and protocol for communication between parties. The permittee shall provide to NYSDPS staff, office staff and the municipalities the names and contact information of all individuals responsible for facility oversight.
    (6) Environmental monitoring plan, including names and qualifications of companies that will serve as environmental monitors (including agricultural monitor).
    (7) A complaint management plan, which shall describe, at a minimum, the following:
    (i) methods for registering a complaint, which shall include a phone number, email address, mailing address, and a form to report complaints;
    (ii) notification to the public of the complaint procedures;
    (iii) process for responding to and resolving complaints in a consistent, timely, and respectful manner;
    (iv) logging and tracking of all complaints received and resolutions achieved, with records of the following for each complaint containing:
    (a) the name and contact information of the person filing the complaint;
    (b) location and owner of the property where the complaint originated;
    (c) date and time of the underlying event causing the complaint;
    (d) description of the complaint; and
    (e) current status and description of measures taken to resolve complaint;
    (v) reporting to the office and the NYSDPS any complaints not resolved within 30 days of receipt;
    (vi) mediating complaints not resolved within 60 days; and
    (vii) providing annual reports of complaint resolution tracking to the office staff and NYSDPS staff, which shall also be filed with the executive director of the office and secretary of the NYSDPS.
    (8) A traffic control plan shall be in effect during facility construction, to ensure safety and minimize potential delays to local traffic during construction, which shall describe, at a minimum, the following:
    (i) Maps and plans showing final haul routes developed in consultation with the host municipalities and NYS, county and municipal highway officials in coordination with the turbine manufacturer. Final haul routes shall be accurately depicted in drawings submitted with the traffic control plan.
    (ii) Copies of all necessary transportation permits from the affected State, county, and municipal agencies for such equipment and/or materials on such route. Such permits shall include but not be limited to: highway work permits to work within the ROW, permits to exceed posted weight limits, highway utility permits to construct facilities within ROW, traffic signal permits to work within ROW, special haul permits for oversize/overweight vehicles, and divisible load overweight permits.
    (iii) Copies of all necessary agreements with utility companies for raising or relocating overhead wires where necessary to accommodate the oversize/overweight delivery vehicles, if applicable.
    (iv) A copy of all road use and restoration agreements, if any, between the permittee and landowners, municipalities, or other entities, regarding repair of local roads damaged by heavy equipment, construction or maintenance activities during construction and operation of the facility.
    (f) Environmental.
    (1) Proof that the required payment was made into the endangered and threatened species mitigation bank fund, if required.
    (2) A copy of the wetland restoration and mitigation plan, if required.
    (3) A copy of the stream restoration and mitigation plan, if required.
    (4) A copy of the invasive species control and management plan (ISCMP), prepared in compliance with 6 NYCRR Part 575, which shall include the following information:
    (i) baseline mapping of all invasive species within the facility area and for 100 feet beyond the facility’s limit of disturbance (LOD). The baseline mapping and data shall include the relative abundance and distribution of each invasive species prior to the commencement of any construction activities;
    (ii) identification of specific control, removal, and disposal measures to be implemented for each identified and mapped invasive species/plant community during construction activities. The ISCMP shall include a detailed sequence and schedule for all mechanical and chemical control measures to be implemented during construction activities;
    (iii) a detailed monitoring plan and specific sampling protocols for each identified and mapped invasive species/plant community within the facility area and for 100 feet beyond the LOD;
    (iv) identification of specific control contingency measures to be implemented as part of the ISCMP for each identified and mapped invasive species for the duration of the facility adaptive management and monitoring period (i.e., five years, unless extended). The ISCMP shall include a detailed sequence and schedule for all contingency mechanical and chemical control measures to be implemented during the monitoring period;
    (v) specific contingency measures to be implemented (i.e., regrading, re-planting of native species etc.) to achieve the final site restoration criteria (i.e., 80 percent survivorship of appropriate native species reestablishment over all portions of the replanted areas, unless the baseline survey indicates a smaller percentage of appropriate species exists prior to construction);
    (vi) details regarding the responsible party or parties designated to implement the ISCMP and what financial assurances exist to ensure successful monitoring and ISCMP implementation; and
    (5) a copy of an inadvertent return flow plan containing the following requirements:
    (i) erosion and sediment control shall be used at the point of HDD, so that drilling fluid shall not escape the drill site and enter NYS-regulated wetlands, waterbodies and streams (as delineated pursuant to section 900-1.3[e] and [f] of this Part). The disturbed area shall be restored to original grade and reseeded upon completion of HDD;
    (ii) drilling fluid circulation shall be maintained to the extent practical;
    (iii) if inadvertent returns occur in upland areas, the fluids shall be immediately contained and collected; and
    (iv) if the amount of drilling fluids released is not enough to allow practical collection, the affected area shall be diluted with freshwater and allowed to dry and dissipate naturally.
    (6) For wind facilities, a final geotechnical engineering report verifying subsurface conditions within the facility site, including the results of borings and/or test pits at each turbine location.
    (g) A copy of a cultural resources avoidance, minimization and mitigation plan, providing:
    (1) A demonstration that impacts of construction and operation of the facilities on cultural resources (including archeological sites and any stone landscape features, and historic resources) will be avoided or minimized to the extent practicable by selection the proposed facility’s location, design and/or implementation of identified mitigation measures.
    (2) A cultural resources mitigation and offset plan, either as adopted by Federal permitting agency in subsequent National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) section 106 review, or as required by the office, in consultation with New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in the event that the NHPA section 106 review does not require that the mitigation plan be implemented. Proof of mitigation funding awards for offset facility implementation to be provided within two years of the start of construction of the facility shall be included.
    (h) Real property rights.
    (1) A copy of all necessary titles to or leasehold interests in the facility, including ingress and egress access to public streets, and such deeds, easements, leases, licenses, or other real property rights or privileges as are necessary for all interconnections for the facility.
    (2) Map of survey of facility site properties with property lines based on metes and bounds survey.
    (3) Notarized memos or similar proof of agreement for any participating property whose owner has signed a participation agreement or other type of agreement addressing potential facility impacts (e.g., noise, shadow flicker, setback, etc.).
    (i) A copy of any interconnection agreements (IA).
    (j) Documentation of all host community benefits to be provided by the permittee.