Sec. 900-1.6. Filing, service and publication of an application

Latest version.
  • (a) The applicant shall file an electronic copy and five paper copies with the Office of Renewable Siting, Attention: Applicant Review, at the Albany, New York office and shall concurrently serve copies on the following, as specified:
    (1) an electronic copy and one paper copy on the NYSDEC at its central office and an electronic copy on each affected NYSDEC regional office;
    (2) an electronic copy and one paper copy on NYSDPS at its Albany, New York office;
    (3) an electronic copy and one paper copy on the chief executive officer of each municipality in which any portion of the proposed facility is to be located; and in New York City, an electronic copy upon the borough president of any affected borough, and upon the community board of any affected areas served by a community board;
    (4) unless otherwise directed, an electronic copy on the commissioners of the NYSAGM, NYSDOH, NYSDOT and OPRHP;
    (5) an electronic copy on the attorney general of the State of New York;
    (6) an electronic copy and one paper copy each on a library serving the district of each member of the State legislature in whose district any portion of the proposed facility is to be located or could be adversely impacted by the proposed facility;
    (7) an electronic copy on the chief executive officer of any other agency, or local agency that would (absent section 94-c of the Executive Law) have permitting or approval authority with respect to any aspect of the proposed facility; and
    (8) an electronic copy on the APA if such proposed facility is located within the Adirondack Park, as defined in subdivision (1) of section 9-0101 of the ECL.
    (b) Upon request from any of the entities set forth in subdivisions (a)(1)-(8) of this section, the applicant shall provide up to two additional paper copies within five business days of receipt of the request.
    (c) Publication of notice of application shall be made no less than three days before the date on which an applicant files the application and the applicant shall comply with the following:
    (1) provide a copy of the notice to the office;
    (2) publish notice in newspapers designated for publication of official notices of each municipality in which the proposed facility is to be located, in the newspaper of largest circulation in the county(ies) in which the proposed facility is to be located and, if any are available, in a free newspaper publication that services the area in which the proposed facility is to be located;
    (3) provide written notice to all persons residing within one mile of the proposed solar facility or within five miles of the proposed wind facility; and
    (4) provide notice to each member of the State legislature in whose district any portion of the proposed facility is to be located.
    (d) Notices required pursuant to subdivision (c) of this section shall serve substantially to inform the public of such application and availability of local agency account funding as follows:
    (1) contain a summary of the application and a website link which shall contain such a summary;
    (2) contain the date on or about which the application will be filed with the office;
    (3) contain a statement of availability of local agency account funds, including the date the notice of intent to file an application required pursuant to section 900-1.3(d) of this Subpart was published, citing to the requirements set forth in Subpart 900-5 of this Part, including, but not limited to, the requirement that any local agency or potential community intervenor shall submit a request for initial funding within 30 days of the date of application filing and that such request be made to the Office of Renewable Siting, at the Albany, New York office, Attention: Request for Local Agency Account Funding; and
    (4) shall be in plain language, in English and in any other language spoken according to the United States Census data by 5,000 or more persons residing in any 5-digit zip code for the proposed facility. Notices published in languages other than English shall be published in newspapers, if any are available, servicing the appropriate language community.
    (e) If the office determines that any language not captured in paragraph (d)(4) of this section is spoken by a significant population of persons residing in close proximity to the proposed facility, interconnections or related facilities necessary to serve the proposed facility, the office shall direct the applicant to provide notice and summary of the application in the appropriate language and method.