Sec. 900-2.15. Exhibit 14: Wetlands  

Latest version.
  • Exhibit 14 shall contain:
    (a) A map or series of maps showing jurisdictional boundaries of all Federal, State and locally regulated wetlands and adjacent areas present on the facility site and within 100 feet of areas to be disturbed by construction, including the interconnections, as determined by the office pursuant to section 900-1.3(e) of this Part, and provide Federal jurisdictional determination, if available. For adjacent properties without accessibility, initial surveys may be based on remote-sensing data, interpretation of existing wetlands and soils mapping, observation from adjacent accessible properties, and current and historical aerial imagery.
    (b) Any reports detailing the results of the delineation survey(s).
    (c) A qualitative and descriptive wetland functional assessment, including seasonal variations, for all delineated wetlands that would be impacted for groundwater recharge/discharge, flood flow alteration, fish and shellfish habitat, sediment/toxicant retention, nutrient removal, sediment/shoreline stabilization, wildlife habitat, recreation, uniqueness/heritage, visual quality/aesthetics, and protected species habitat.
    (d) An analysis of all off-site wetlands within 100 feet beyond the limit of disturbance that may be hydrologically or ecologically influenced by development of the facility and the wetlands identified on the map required by subdivision (a) of this section, observed in the field where accessible to determine their general characteristics and relationship, if any, to delineated wetlands.
    (e) If the office has determined pursuant to section 900-1.3(e) of this Part that there are jurisdictional wetlands at the site, a demonstration of avoidance of impacts to such wetlands and their 100-foot adjacent areas by siting all components more than 100 feet from any delineated NYS wetlands.
    (f) If the applicant cannot avoid impacts to all wetlands and adjacent areas, an explanation of all efforts the applicant made to minimize the impacts to wetlands and adjacent areas identified during wetland surveys. The impact minimization summary shall address the following criteria for each proposed impact area:
    (1) why the facility design and siting cannot avoid NYS wetlands and adjacent areas, as applicable;
    (2) how the facility design has minimized proposed impacts to NYS wetlands and adjacent areas, as applicable;
    (3) how the facility design and siting minimize impacts to NYS wetlands, or portions of the wetlands, and the function and values currently provided by these wetlands; and
    (4) how the facility design and siting will maximize and/or improve the function and values provided by the remaining adjacent areas surrounding the NYS wetlands.
    (g) For facilities for which compensatory mitigation is required in Table 1, unless determined otherwise by the office in consultation with the NYSDEC, the applicant shall submit a Wetland Restoration and Mitigation Plan pursuant to section 900-10.2(f)(2) of this Part, in accordance with the following:
    (1) purchase of existing wetland mitigation bank credits for unavoidable wetland impacts wherever there is an existing wetland mitigation bank with a service area that includes the location of the facility. The purchase of mitigation banking credits shall occur within the same HUC 8 watershed within which the facility is located; or
    (2) implement applicant-responsible wetland and/or adjacent area mitigation at the ratios as set forth in Table 1 below as follows, unless determined otherwise by the office in consultation with the NYSDEC:
    (i) category: Prescribed mitigation ratio and type:
    (a) X: Not an allowable feature or activity;
    (b) A: Allowed; no mitigation or enhancement required;
    (c) A(M1): Allowed, mitigation required (3:1 mitigation ratio by area of impact – creation only, broken down by cover type);
    (d) A(M2): Allowed, mitigation required (2:1 mitigation ratio by area of impact – creation, restoration, and enhancement);
    (e) A(M3): Allowed, mitigation required (1:1 mitigation ratio by area of impact – creation, restoration and enhancement);
    (f) A(E): Allowed, enhancements and/or mitigation required (e.g., planting of adjacent area, mitigating hydrological changes);
    (ii) within the same HUC 8 sub-basin; and
    (iii) within a location that is subject to NYSDEC jurisdiction under ECL article 24, which includes the following:
    (a) contiguous with an existing NYS-regulated wetland; or
    (b) within 50 meters (164 feet) of an existing NYS-regulated wetland;
    (iv) where creation, enhancement, and restoration mean the following:
    (a) creation, in cases of activities requiring fill, means making a new wetland or expanding an existing wetland in lands that were not previously occupied by a wetland. Creation, in cases of activities not requiring fill, can include planting trees and/or shrubs in an existing wetland currently devoid of trees and shrubs;
    (b) restoration means reclaiming a degraded wetland or adjacent area to bring back one or more functions that have been partially or completely lost;
    (c) enhancement means altering an existing functional wetland or adjacent area to increase selected functions and benefits that offsets losses of these functions or benefits in another wetland or adjacent area or parts of the same wetland or adjacent area;
    (3) implement a combination of the mitigation required pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision to meet the mitigation requirement.
    Table 1: Wetland mitigation requirements:
    Class Ia Class IIa Class III & IVa Unmapped >12.4 acres
    Major Activities
    Wind TurbinesXA(M3)**XA(E)*A(M3)A
    Solar PanelsXA(E)**A(M2)A(E)*A(M3)A
    Energy StorageXA(M3)**XA(E)*A(M3)A
    Access RoadsA(M1)A(E)*A(M2)A(E)*A(M3)A
    Power interconnections (including clearing for interconnections)A(M1)A(E)*A(M2)A(E)*A(M3)A
    Clearing of forestXA(M3)**A(M2)A(E)*A(M3)A
    Other activities and structures integral to the project involving placement of fillXA(M3)**A(M2)A(E)*A(M3)A
    Intermediate Activities
    Security fenceXA(E)*A(M3)AAA
    Clearing and manipulation of undisturbed herbaceous vegetationXA(E)*A(M3)AA(M3)A
    Other activities integral to the project involving gradingXA(E)*A(M3)AA(M3)A
    Minor Activities
    Grading and manipulation of disturbed areas (active hay/row crops, existing commercial/industrial development)XA(E)*A(M3)AA(E)A
    Selective cutting of trees and shrubsAAAAAA
    *No enhancements or mitigation required with 75 foot or more setback ** 75-foot setback from wetland boundary required in undisturbed adjacent area aECL article 24 classification as determined under 6 NYCRR Part 664.