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New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
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TITLE 19. Department of State |
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Chapter XVIII. Office of Renewable Energy Siting |
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Part 900. Office of Renewable Energy Siting |
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Subpart 900-2. Application Exhibits |
Sec. 900-2.4. Exhibit 3: Location of facilities and surrounding land use
Latest version.
- Exhibit 3 shall contain:(a) Latest- or recent-edition USGS maps (1:24,000 topographic edition, utilizing GIS mapping to the extent available), showing:(1) the proposed location of the facility, including proposed electric collection and transmission lines and interconnections, as well as ancillary features located on the facility site such as roads, railroads, switchyards, energy storage or regulation facilities, substations and similar facilities;(2) the proposed location of any off-site utility interconnections, including all electric transmission lines, communications lines, stormwater drainage lines, and appurtenances thereto, to be installed in New York State connecting to and servicing the site of the facility;(3) the proposed limits of clearing and disturbance for construction of all facility components and ancillary features.(b) Maps clearly showing the location of the facility and all ancillary features not located on the facility site in relation to municipal boundaries and taxing jurisdictions, at a scale sufficient to determine and demonstrate relation of facilities to those geographic and political features.(c) Written descriptions explaining the relation of the location of the facility site, and all ancillary features not located on the facility site, to the affected municipalities and taxing jurisdictions.(d) A map showing existing land uses within the study area.(e) A map of any existing overhead and underground major facilities for electric, gas or telecommunications transmission within the study area and a summary of any consultations with owners of major facilities for electric, gas or telecommunications that may be impacted by the facility (crossing existing utilities or otherwise).(f) A map of all properties upon which any component of a facility or ancillary feature would be located, and for wind facilities, all properties within 2,000 feet of such properties, and for solar projects, all properties within 1,000 feet, that shows the current land use, tax parcel number and owner of record of each property, and any publicly known proposed land use plans for any of these properties.(g) A map of existing zoning districts and proposed zoning districts within the study area and a description of the permitted and the prohibited uses within each zone. For floating or overlay zones that are not specifically attributable to a specific mapped zoning district, describe the applicable substantive criteria that apply for establishment of the overlay zone.(h) A statement as to whether any applicable local jurisdiction has an adopted comprehensive plan applicable to lands on which facility components or ancillary facilities are located and whether the proposed facility is consistent with such comprehensive plan. A copy of the plan shall be provided in the application, with an indication of plan sections applicable to the proposed uses.(i) A map of all publicly known proposed land uses within the study area, as determined in consultation with State and local planning officials, from any public involvement process, or from other sources.(j) Maps showing designated NYS coastal areas, inland waterways and local waterfront revitalization program areas (pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 600, et seq.), groundwater management zones, designated agricultural districts, flood-prone areas, critical environmental areas designated pursuant to article 8 of the ECL, and coastal erosion hazard areas, that are located within the study area.(k) Maps showing recreational and other land uses within the study area that might be affected by the sight or sound of the construction or operation of the facility, interconnections and related facilities, including wild, scenic and recreational river corridors, open space, and any known archaeological, geologic, historical or scenic area, park, designated wilderness, forest preserve lands, scenic vistas specifically identified in the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan, NYS Parks, NYSDEC lands, conservation easement lands, Federal or State designated scenic byways, nature preserves, designated trails, and public-access fishing areas, major communication and utility uses and infrastructure, and institutional, community and municipal uses and facilities.(l) A qualitative assessment of the compatibility of the facility, including any off-site staging and storage areas, with existing, proposed and allowed land uses, and local and regional land use plans, located within a one-mile radius of the facility site. The assessment shall identify the nearby land uses of particular concern to the community and shall address the land use impacts of the facility on residential areas, schools, civic facilities, recreational facilities, and commercial areas. The assessment and evaluation shall demonstrate that conflicts from facility-generated noise, traffic and visual impacts with current and planned uses have been minimized to the extent practicable.(m) A qualitative assessment of the compatibility of proposed above-ground transmission lines, collection lines, and interconnections and related facilities with existing, potential, and proposed land uses within the study area.(n) A qualitative assessment of the compatibility of proposed underground transmission lines, collection lines, interconnections and related facilities with existing, potential, and proposed land uses within 300 feet from the centerline of such interconnections or related facilities.(o) For facilities at locations within NYS designated coastal areas, or in direct proximity of coastal areas or designated inland waterways, provide an analysis of conformance with relevant provisions of the New York State Coastal Management Program policies, and proposed or adopted Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans (pursuant to 19 NYCRR Part 600, et seq.). For facilities located within or adjacent to areas mapped by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), mapping of the proposed facility’s location on the most recent edition of NOAA navigation charts shall be provided.(p) Aerial photographs of all properties within the study area of sufficient scale and detail to enable discrimination and identification of all natural and cultural features.(q) Overlays on aerial photographs which clearly identify the facility site and any facility layout, interconnection route, the limits of proposed clearing or other changes to the topography, vegetation or human-made structures, and the location of access and maintenance routes.(r) All aerial photographs shall reflect the current uses of the land. All aerial photographs shall indicate the source and the date photographs were taken.(s) A description of community character in the area of the facility, an analysis of impacts of facility construction and operation on community character, and identification of avoidance or mitigation measures that will minimize adverse impacts on community character. For the purposes of this exhibit, community character includes defining features and interactions of the natural, built and social environment, and how those features are used and appreciated in the community.(t) For repurposed sites with a history of environmental contamination only:(1) For a site that has not been remediated under the oversight of the NYSDEC:(i) a copy of a phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and, if any recognized environmental conditions were identified, a phase 2 ESA; and(ii) a determination by a qualified licensed professional engineer, on the basis of the phase I ESA and/or phase 2 ESA, that it is not anticipated that hazardous substances would be encountered during construction and/or operation of the facility.(2) For a site that has been remediated under the oversight of the NYSDEC and received a certificate of completion or no further action from the NYSDEC:(i) a copy of the applicable site management plan for the facility site and any deed or land use restrictions imposed; and(ii) a certification by the applicant that it will implement and comply therewith.(u) For a proposed facility where an oil, gas or mining solution well is known to exist within 500 feet of proposed areas to be disturbed within a proposed facility boundary (based on records maintained by the NYSDEC) or for any proposed facility located in NYSDEC regions 7, 8, or 9:(1) A description of a survey, setting forth the date(s) the survey occurred, the company that conducted it and the methodology used. The purpose of the survey is to determine whether any NYSDEC-regulated wells are present within 500 feet of proposed areas to be disturbed, and if so, identification of the wells and type, if known. Unless another method was authorized by the office, the survey shall have been done by the use of magnetometers, including aerial platform magnetometers, that are able to locate wells including those lacking surface expressions and any discovered wells should be recorded in decimal degrees, NAD 83, with six decimal places of accuracy, and presented on the map identified in paragraph (2) of this subdivision.(2) A map based on the survey required in paragraph (1) of this subdivision identifying the location of all wells and associated infrastructure (to the extent known), along with the facility boundaries, proposed areas to be disturbed, and proposed facility components. The map should also identify proposed setbacks from permanent structures and buildings of a minimum of 100 feet from identified well(s) and minimum 20 feet in width from nearest reasonable facility property access point to the well to permit inspections and other regulatory work as may be needed.(3) An explanation if the applicant cannot meet the setback and access requirements referenced in paragraph (2) of this subdivision.