Sec. 900-6.2. Notifications  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pre-construction notice methods.
    At least 14 business days prior to the permittee’s commencement of construction date, the permittee shall notify the public as follows:
    (1) provide notice by mail to all persons residing within one mile of a solar facility or within five miles of a wind facility;
    (2) provide notice to local town and county officials and emergency personnel;
    (3) publish notice by mail in the local newspapers of record for dissemination, including at least one free publication, if available (e.g., Pennysaver);
    (4) provide notice for display in public places, which shall include, but not be limited to, the town halls of the host municipalities, at least one library in each host municipality, at least one post office in each host municipality, the facility website, and the facility construction trailers/offices; and
    (5) file notice with the office for posting on the office website.
    (b) Proof of notice to office.
    At least 14 business days prior to commencement of construction, the permittee shall file with the office an affirmation that it has provided the notifications required by subdivision (a) of this section and include a copy of the notice(s), as well as a distribution list.
    (c) Post-construction notice.
    Prior to the completion of construction, the permittee shall notify the entities identified in paragraphs (a)(1)-(5) of this section with the contact name, telephone number, email and mailing address of the facility operations manager, as well as all information required in paragraphs (d)(1)-(2) and (4)-(7) of this section.
    (d) Contents of notice.
    The permittee shall write the notice(s) required in subdivisions (a) and (c) of this section in plain language reasonably understandable to the average person and shall ensure that the notice(s) contain(s):
    (1) a map of the facility;
    (2) a brief description of the facility;
    (3) the construction schedule and transportation routes;
    (4) the name, mailing address, local or toll-free telephone number, and email address of the appropriate facility contact for development, construction and operations;
    (5) the procedure and contact information for registering a complaint;
    (6) contact information for the office and the NYSDPS; and
    (7) a list of public locations where information on the facility, construction, and the permittee will be posted.
    (e) Notice of completion of construction and restoration.
    Within 14 days of the completion of final post-construction restoration, the permittee shall notify the NYSDPS, with a copy to the office, that all such restoration has been completed in compliance with the siting permit and applicable compliance filings and provide an anticipated date of commencement of commercial operation of the facility.