Sec. 2.23. Protection from contamination—Item 16r  

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  • Protection from contamination requires compliance with the following:
    (a) Equipment and operations are so located within the milking barn and milkhouse as to prevent overcrowding and contamination of cleaned and sanitized containers, equipment and utensils by splash, condensation or manual contact.
    (b) During processing, pipelines and equipment used to contain or conduct milk and milk products shall be effectively separated from tanks or circuits containing cleaning and/or sanitizing solutions.
    (c) All milk which has overflowed, leaked, been spilled or improperly handled is discarded.
    (d) All product-contact surfaces of containers, equipment and utensils are covered or otherwise protected to prevent the access of insects, dust, condensation and other contamination. All openings, including valves and piping attached to milk storage and transport tanks, pumps or vats, shall be capped or otherwise properly protected.
    (e) The receiving receptacle is raised above the floor (as on a dolly or cart), or placed at a distance from the cows to protect it against manure and splash when milk is poured and/or strained in the milking barn. Such receptacle shall have a tight-fitting cover which shall be closed except when milk is being poured.
    (f) Each pail or container of milk is transferred immediately from the milking barn, stable or parlor to the milkhouse.
    (g) Pails, cans and other equipment containing milk are properly covered during transfer and storage.
    (h) Whenever air under pressure is used for the agitation or movement of milk, or is directed at a milk-contact surface, it is free of oil, dust, rust, excessive moisture, extraneous materials and odor and shall otherwise comply with the applicable standards of Appendix A.
    (i) Antibiotics and medicinals are stored in such a manner that they cannot contaminate the milk or milk product-contact surfaces of the equipment, containers or utensils.
    (j) Equipment, materials, substances and operations comply and are consistent with the applicable provisions of transmittals to the PMO bearing identification numbers M-1-88-5, M-1-88-9, M-1-88-5 (Sup 1), M-1-90-9, M-1-92-10 and M-1-92-14, more fully described in section 2.2(kk)(1), (2), (3), (11) and (12) of this Part.