Sec. 2.44. Pasteurization—Item 16p  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pasteurization shall be performed as follows: Every particle of prepasteurized milk, milk, lowfat milk, skim milk, milk product, goat milk, goat milk product, sheep milk, sheep milk product, melloream and frozen dessert mix, with the exception of water ice mix and flavoring agents used in frozen desserts, shall be heated in properly designed and operated equipment to one of the temperatures specified in the following table and held continuously at or above that temperature for at least the time specified:
    Batch (Vat) Pasteurization
    *63°C (145°F)30 minutes
    Continuous Flow (HTST and HHST) Pasteurization
    *72°C (161°F)15 seconds
    89°C (191°F)1.0 seconds
    90°C (194°F)0.5 seconds
    94°C (201°F)0.1 seconds
    96°C (204°F)0.05 seconds
    100°C (212°F)0.01 seconds
    *If the fat content of the milk product is 10 percent or more, or if it contains added sweeteners, the specified temperature shall be increased by 5°F (3°C): provided, that eggnog and frozen desserts shall be heated to at least the following temperature and time specifications:
    Batch (Vat) Pasteurization
    69°C (155°F)30 minutes
    Continuous Flow (HTST) Pasteurization
    80°C (175°F)25 seconds
    83°C (180°F)15 seconds
    Provided further, that nothing shall be construed as barring any other pasteurization process which has been recognized by the FDA to be equally effective and which is approved by the commissioner.
    (b) The design and the operation of pasteurization equipment and all appurtenances thereto shall comply with the applicable specifications and operational procedures set forth in sections 2.45 through 2.48 of this Part and set forth in Appendicies 3-10 to this Part, except with respect to milk, lowfat milk, skim milk, milk products, goat milk, goat milk products, sheep milk, sheep milk products, frozen desserts and melloream that will be aseptically processed or ultra-pasteurized, the design and the operation of processing equipment and appurtenances thereto shall also comply with Appendix L and Item 16p(c) of the PMO.
    (c) Cream for buttermaking shall be pasteurized at a temperature of not less than 165°F and held continuously in a vat at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes, or at a temperature of not less than 185°F for not less than 15 seconds, or any other temperature and holding time approved by the commissioner that will assure pasteurization and comparable keeping-quality characteristics. If the vat method of pasteurization is used, vat covers shall be kept closed during the holding and cooling periods.
    (d) Every person who operates a milk plant at which frozen desserts are manufactured shall ensure that all flavoring agents added to frozen desserts after the frozen desserts have been pasteurized are sterile, aseptically processed or otherwise treated to a temperature which will render them free of all pathogenic bacteria, or alternatively have a water activity (aw) value of 0.85 or less or have a pH level of 4.6 or less. All flavoring agents shall, insofar as possible, be completely used up during each day's manufacturing.