Sec. 2.60. Animal health requirements for raw milk sales for permittees selling raw milk  

Latest version.
  • (a) Permittees selling raw cow or goat milk shall be in compliance with regulations for the detection and control of tuberculosis contained in section 2.58 of this Part.
    (b) Permittees selling raw cow milk shall participate in the Division of Animal Industry milk ring testing program. Individual blood agglutination tests shall be performed on all animals in the herd following a positive reaction to the ring test.
    (c) Permittees selling raw goat milk shall have individual blood agglutination tests made on each adult animal each year.
    (d) Whenever any milking animal is found to be infected with brucellosis as indicated by the blood agglutination test, all distribution of raw milk from that herd shall be immediately suspended. The permittee shall comply with the procedures and directives of the Division of Animal Industry regarding infected animals and shall not offer any further raw milk for distribution from that herd until again authorized to do so by the Department of Agriculture and Markets.
    (e) Persons holding a permit to sell raw milk shall enroll and remain in a milk sampling program conducted by Quality Milk Promotion Services for detection of pathogenic bacteria.