Sec. 2.61. Transferring; delivery containers; cooling  

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  • (a) Except as permitted in this section, no milk producer, milk hauler or distributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one container or milk tank truck to another on the street, in any vehicle, store or in any place except a milk plant, receiving station, transfer station or milkhouse especially used for that purpose. The dipping or ladling of milk or fluid milk products is prohibited.
    (b) No one shall sell or serve any milk or fluid milk product except in the individual, original container received from the distributor, or from an approved bulk dispenser, provided that this requirement shall not apply to milk for mixed drinks requiring less than a half-pint of milk, or to cream, whipped cream or half-and-half which is consumed on the premises and which may be served from the original container of not more than half-gallon capacity, or from a bulk dispenser approved for such service by the regulatory agency.
    (c) Bulk dispensers.
    Bulk dispensers, approved by the regulatory agency, shall satisfy the following sanitary design, construction and operation requirements:
    (1) All dispensers shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Part.
    (2) Product-contact surfaces shall be inaccessible to manual contact, droplet infection, dust or flies; but the delivery orifice may be exempted from this requirement.
    (3) All parts of the dispensing device with which milk or milk products come into contact, including any measuring device, shall be thoroughtly cleaned and sanitized at the milk plant; provided, that dispensing valves which are applied to the dispenser subsequent to its delivery to the retail vendor may be cleaned and sanitized at such establishments.
    (4) The dispensing container shall be filled at the milk plant and shall be so sealed that it is impossible to withdraw any part of its contents, or to introduce any substance without breaking the seal(s).
    (5) The milk or milk products shall be thoroughly and automatically mixed with each dispensing operation, except for milk or milk products which remain homogeneous.
    (6) All cans shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Milk and milk products shall be kept at or below 45°F (7°C) at all times. The dispenser tube shall be integral with the dispensing container, shall be protected, and shall be under adequate refrigeration during transportation and storage.