Part 57. Pullorum and Typhoid Disease  

1 CRR-NY II A 57 Notes
Sec. 57.1. Program to control pullorum-typhoid disease of poultry
Sec. 57.2. Definitions
Sec. 57.3. General provisions
Sec. 57.4. New York Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flock classification
Sec. 57.5. New York Pullorum-Typhoid Clean hatchery classification
Sec. 57.6. Incorporation by reference
Sec. 57.7. Program to control Salmonella enteritidis
Sec. 57.8. Blood tests, environmental sample collection and bird selection for organ culture
Sec. 57.9. Laboratory procedures
Sec. 57.10. Requirements for primary breeding flocks (grandparent flocks) and multiplier breeding flocks (parent flocks)
Sec. 57.11. Requirements for commercial pullet grower flocks
Sec. 57.12. Requirements for producers
Sec. 57.13. Requirements for empty commercial egg-producing poultry houses which have been found positive for Salmonella enteritidis upon environmental culture
Sec. 57.14. Requirements for egg-type poultry flocks found to have Salmonella enteritidis contaminated environments
Sec. 57.15. Requirements for commercial egg-producing poultry flocks identified for testing by trace-outs from flocks found positive for Salmonella enteritidis
Sec. 57.16. Requirements for egg-type poultry flocks found positive for Salmonella enteritidis following organ culture
Sec. 57.17. Requirements for commercial egg-producing poultry flocks suspected of causing human illness caused by Salmonella enteritidis acquired from the consumption of eggs or egg products
Sec. 57.18. Requirements for commercial pullet grower flocks found positive for Salmonella enteritidis
Sec. 57.19. Special requirements for library and experimental gene pool flocks found positive for Salmonella enteritidis
Sec. 57.20. Biosecurity and maintenance
Sec. 57.21. Packing plant records
Sec. 57.22. Compliance
Sec. 57.23. Severability
Sec. 57.24 -- 57.34. [Deleted]
Sec. 57.40 -- 57.43. [Deleted]
Sec. 57.50 -- 57.53. [Deleted]
Sec. 57.60 -- 57.64. [Deleted]
Sec. 57.70 -- 57.71. [Deleted]