Sec. 130.1. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this Part, the following words, names and terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean:
    (a) Scleroderris canker.
    The disease known as Scleroderris canker, Gremmeniella abietina, in any stage of development.
    (b) Infection.
    Refers to the presence of Scleroderris canker.
    (c) Inspector.
    An inspector of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, or of the United States Department of Agriculture, when authorized by the commissioner to act in that capacity.
    (d) Moved, movement.
    Shipped, offered for shipment to a common carrier, received for transportation or transported by a common carrier, carried, transported, moved or allowed to be moved from the quarantined area into or through any other portions of the State.
    (e) Certificate.
    A valid form certifying the eligibility of products for movement outside of the quarantined area under the requirements of this Part.
    (f) Limited permit.
    A valid form authorizing the movement of regulated articles from a quarantined area to a specified destination for specific processing, handling or utilization.
    (g) Commissioner.
    The Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets of the State of New York.