Sec. 138.2. Exceptions  

Latest version.
  • Grape root stock and propagating materials not accompanied by a statement of freedom from virus may be admitted to this State under the following conditions and restrictions:
    (a) Vitis vinifera varieties.
    Non-rooted propagating materials may be admitted if accompanied by a statement that the mother vines were visually inspected in early June and again in late August and were apparently free of the aforementioned virus diseases.
    (b) American varieties and hybrids.
    Non-rooted propagating materials and own-rooted vines may be admitted if accompanied by a statement certifying that they were derived from own-rooted mother vines free from cluster abnormalities such as shot-berry or cluster abortion.
    (c) Resistant root stocks and French hybrids (fruiting varieties hybridized in Europe).
    Non-rooted and rooted propagating materials may be admitted to nurseries under a one-year postentry quarantine. During the postentry quarantine period, such materials will be indexed on Mission, St. George, and Chenopodium quinoa. Any virus infected material will be destroyed.